Putting Our Husbands on the "D/L"


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
Oh yes! That's exactly what I said and exactly what I meant. Putting our husbands on the 'D/L'. Be we married now or married to be...

I'll be back with the message. In the meantime, please know that it is on time and I do have scripture to back it up...and you will love it. ;)

And I'm not playing games. You'll see exactly what I mean.

See you in little bit...;)
God wants us to take back our men! And not only take them back but 'Keep Them'. And as women we have been given a gift so powerful that it can out do any attack of the enemy.

I'm coming to realize just how powerful our prayers are more and more each moment that I live. Ladies, we have a rich heritage in Jesus! Hear me -- for what I have to share is not text...it is a revelation and a manifestation of what happens when we sell out to Jesus. God is not playing any more 'word' games. The word of God is literally our life giver; and so essential to our existance. There is no more playing around.

God has asked "How long will we halt between two opinions? How long will we be lead around in distraction? Which God are we going to serve? If Baal be god, serve him...YET if God be God, serve Him? There's a spirit of abduction in the body of Christ. Many of our sisters are being seduced to seek outside of God, for what God has already promised us in His word, by standing on His word. And we have 'fainted...' in many ways, we have all fainted. :(

Bear with me...you'll see it come together...

Too much has been abducted that is rightfully ours...our men. Our men being our husbands, our sons, our fathers, our loved ones, our husbands to be. Our men are literally being abducted, by minute of each hour of each day and the abductor is none other than the prince of the universe, satan.

The devil's rules of abduction has no etiquette...no boundaries, no respect of order, no fair play...there is absolutely no chilvary, let alone heart.

Since Genesis 3:15, when God served the devil notice that, "...The Seed of the woman shall bruise your head," it's been our men, that the enemy has made his target. And we have been used as his 'Eve' (in the garden), to help him along. And all through distraction from 'trusting Solely in God'. In the 'Garden', he lured Eve away from standing on the word of God.

Angels, here it is...

From day one, we have had the keys to our men's spiritual Destiny. Yes, our men are created as leaders and ministers, yes they are the 'head', but we are their neck which God created and without the neck, the head does not fulfill it's function. It's too stiff...and has no direction. Our Key is Prayer...and one other critical application...

Putting our husbands on the D/L..."Dedicated to the Lord".

For whatever we commit and dedicate to the Lord, becomes His (our Father God's) once again.

What belongs to God cannot be plucked out of His hands.

What we give to God, He will keep from falling and keep until the Day of Jesus Christ.

Putting our husbands on the "D/L", literally is necessary. For we as the woman are shielding them from the enemy's abduction. They are being redeemed from the enemy's destruction...of any kind.

No longer will they be a part of the world's "D/L" (the devils list). They cannot be abducted into the underground world called the 'down low.' For what is God's is God's and who dare come against Him?

I promised you scripture. Take a look at these, for I'm telling you as I read them, I knew God was speaking to me about this subject.

Deu 20:5 And the officers shall speak unto the people, saying, What man [is there] that hath built a new house, and hath not dedicated it? let him go and return to his house, lest...another man dedicate it.

My perception of this so evident of what we see happening to our men, today. Because they have not been sanctioned, consecrated, dedicated to the Lord, it has given passage for the enemy to come in.

Ladies, for the most part, the majority of our men had no fathers in their lives to dedicate them to the Lord and maintain the prayers that God has ordained to be prayed over their lives. This has given the enemy much foot hold in their lives to be abducted spiritually...and more.

The Dedication is passed on to us...we who have been ordained, assigned, annointed and prepared in God's word and prayer.

1Ch 26:27 Out of the spoils won in battles did they dedicate to maintain the house of the LORD.

We're the ones called to maintain our 'house'...our husbands, the house of the Lord. The men are still the head, but they need our cover.

As we dedicate our husbands, our men to the Lord to fulfill their Destiny's...as we stand on God's word...

Psa 121:3 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.

Now Ladies, here's a word that blew me away...

Isa 5:27 None shall be weary nor stumble among them; none shall slumber nor sleep; neither shall the girdle of their loins be loosed, nor the latchet of their shoes be broken:

Ahhhh, let's give that one a 'Selah'...:lol:It surely speaks for itself...'Fidelity'...

It's time for God's "D/L"...Dedicated to the Lord"

Sweet Sleep Angels...I have more. God has put so much in my spirit on this. I have to pray it out. Right now, He has me in the book of Numbers...and it's something...really something. Our men really need us.

Loving hugs...
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Very interesting, I am about to read this again to make sure I am understanding the message completely.
pebbles said:
Awesome, Shimmie! Thank God for that word! :)

Pebs, God will bear witness to many with this. This is long overdue and God is not through. The answer to everything situation in our lives is in God's word and what we do with it.

Each time I read His word, He's makes another connection...

Proverbs 31: "Oh, son of mine, what can you be thinking of! Leaders can't afford to make fools of themselves.....the people who depend on them are hurt."

Our men, created by God to be Leaders are being abducted. Drugs, alcohol, sexual sins (of all manner), false gods, the occult, broken homes, numerous 'baby-mamas', STD's, HIV/AIDs....:( :( :( :( :(

Our men must have a dedicated spiritual covering. Men don't pray for themselves as we do as women. As their wives, we have literally become their new 'birthing' ground, their new womb.

From our bellies flow living waters. We have access to God's throne as no other. We have the power of the Holy Spirit flowing within us to retrieve them from the hands of the enemy. And we are not yet, using this gift to its full capacity. The full capacity of God's word and prayer.

As I re-read this from the word He gave me...

The Dedication is passed on to us...we who have been ordained, assigned, annointed and prepared in God's word and prayer.

1Ch 26:27 Out of the spoils won in battles did they dedicate to maintain the house of the LORD.

We're the ones called to maintain our 'house'...our husbands, the house of the Lord. The men are still the head, but they need our cover.

He brought me back to this...

Proverbs 31: A good woman is hard to find, and worth far more than diamonds. Her husband trusts her without reserve, and never has reason to regret it. Never spiteful, she treats him generously all her life long.

She senses the worth of her work, is in no hurry to call it quits for the day.

Her husband is greatly respected when he deliberates with the city fathers.

When she speaks she has something worthwhile to say, and she always says it kindly.

She keeps an eye on everyone in her household, and keeps them all busy and productive. Her children respect and bless her;

Her husband joins in with words of praise: "Many women have done wonderful things, but you've outclassed them all!"

Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades. The woman to be admired and praised is the woman who lives in the Fear-of-God.

There's something in this word, that God wants to show us. Something more than we've been aware of. Redeeming our Husbands, our men from abduction. This woman did more than keep house and pray.

It's right here in this verse from Proverbs 31...

"She senses the worth of her work, is in no hurry to call it quits for the day."

"She senses the worth of her work: "Dedicating Her Husband to the Lord"

She's God's appointed Vessel, the assigned and trusted 'hand maiden of the Lord, annointed and appointed as her husband's 'help meet' suitable....her husband's watchmen...her husband's rear guard, her husband's trustee...the one who keeps God's Covenant firm in the family,

She has placed her husband on God's "D/L"...Dedicated to the Lord and then maintains it.

"...is in no hurry to call it quits for the day."

She's in Covenant with God...She is Dedicated. She will not quit. She doesn't stay in the same routine...for her husband's success, she grows with each level before it's manifested; he in turn is nourished from the fruit of her labor...

"Her husband trusts her without reserve, and never has reason to regret it."

This comes from her gift of prayer and Dedication...Consecration...of her all and his (her husband's) all with God. For God calls this a Covenant made with Him that He will not break.

Our husbands...Dedicated, under Covenant...God will fulfill each Destiny and keep them as the apple of His eye. The devil cannot touch them. We are the watchmen over their souls, so that they cannot be abducted.
Thank you for that word Shimmie. I have just begun a fast, and I thought the purpose of the fast was for myself, but after reading your message, God is showing me that this fast is also about others, including our men. God has begun to show me how much He has given me the gift of healing others, even though I never knew it. Friends, especially my guy friends have told me that after talking to me, they see things from a different perspective. Your message has been so helpful. I look forward to the rest.
cocoberry10 said:
Thank you for that word Shimmie. I have just begun a fast, and I thought the purpose of the fast was for myself, but after reading your message, God is showing me that this fast is also about others, including our men. God has begun to show me how much He has given me the gift of healing others, even though I never knew it. Friends, especially my guy friends have told me that after talking to me, they see things from a different perspective. Your message has been so helpful. I look forward to the rest.

God is showing you wonderful things, Cocoberry. Wonderful things. Enjoy the fast that you're entering into. Enjoy each precious moment as you go with the flow of the Holy Spirit.

He's so in love with you. And He's waiting for you to visit Him in prayer with loving anticipation to show you the elegant tables which He has prepared for you as He has promised in Psalm 23. You're not coming back 'empty'.

This is not just a 'fast'. You're coming back with a vision, in place and ready to be fulfilled. With His heart all a'flutter, God is waiting to meet you there...in loving prayer. In the middle of the night, take notes. You'll see what I mean...;)
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Ladies, please take this to prayer; be directed by the Holy Spirit.

Hear the Heart of Our Father...

"Am I so far away, that I cannot be reached by your tears? Have I left you alone to face your fears? Have I forsaken your will to trust? Not so, my beloved daughters, not so.

Tell me who he is. Your husband or your son? Is it your brother? Your earthly father? A dear friend or a cousin? Tell me who he is, the one in your life which needs my divine intervention. Just whisper his name to me, tell me who he is.

For now it's time to give them each to me. These are my sons, whose lives are meant to be...fulfilled for my good purpose and my glory.

Give them each to me. Call them each by name...and give them to me. For what you give me, I will surely keep and fulfill my purpose in him.

"In that day sing ye unto her, A vineyard of red wine.

I the LORD do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day.

Fury is not in me: who would set the briers and thorns against me in battle? I would go through them, I would burn them together.

Let him take hold of my strength, that he may make peace with me; and he shall make peace with me.

He shall cause them...to take root...blossom and bud, and fill the face of the world with fruit." (Isaiah 27:2-6)

My Beloved Daughters, Give me your men...Dedicate each of them to me.
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Redeeming Him from Adultery
One of the most heartbreaking things that can occur in any marriage is when adultery comes in. There are so many unanswered questions. The why's and the how's. One question that tops all is, "How can this be stopped?"

There are no guarantees in life, no magic formulas, or promises sealed by man. But there is God and there is God's word. And God and His word never fails. Never.

In all of my experience in prayer, adultery is one of the easiest to break. Simple answer. "It is not God's Will". Period, it is not God's Will! And once we get ahold to that one truth, God's Will, you've already begun to win this battle.

Marriage has been one of my ministry gifts for a long, long time. As a wedding consultant, I've seen much. And each time, God drops a word in my heart about anything thing pertaining to life, I've never seen God's word to fail any given situation. I would like to share the words I've received regarding adultery. I can only tell you that the word of God works. All we have to do is stand upon it.

Before I share some of the principles I've learned, may we pray?

Father God, in the name of Jesus, we bow our hearts humbly before you and not in mere words, but of our hearts. We are standing upon your word as we pray for husbands who are and have been in the acts of adultery. We are here to see you set them free and renew them completely.

This word from you is a gift that we do not devalue. We promise not to speak out to hurt or in rebellion, but in prayer only unto to you. For every seed we sow produces after its own kind. If we spew the heart of anger and rebellion, it will come back from their hearts to rebel and repel each prayer. We seek you to draw husbands back to you as their Father and to each wife as their first and only love and to dwell with each other in Covenant and Purity as you have ordained each marriage to be.

Father bring home and make these men, a'new. Freshly annointed with your oil of gladness. No longer astray, in hurt or saddness. We give both ourselves and these men to you. Renew our hearts again in your love. Renew our bodies again, in your purity. Renew our faith in you and in each other, for faith gives you much pleasure. Renew our marriage, with your breath of life. Allow us to live again, but this time with and for you and with and for one another.

"Dear Lord let your will be done; as we release them, we Dedicate these men to you. For this is your will; yes, it's your will to be done, and it shall be done. In Jesus' name we thank you, Father, Amen and Amen.

Here are some of the Principles:

#1. "Be not weary in well doing, for we shall reap if we faint not."

Marriage is a Covenant and God does not take it lightly when such is broken.

Therefore when a husband is in adultery, you do not have to scream, go after the other woman, or react in any form out of Godly order.

Our first utterance, is God this is not your will. My husband and this other person are not under your Covenant, therefore this affair cannot live, for your breath of life is not upon it, nor within it. Father God, I thank you that this shall not be permitted to live, it must die, all with every soul tie; every connection. This situation must die.

NOW: This is NOT speaking death to ANY person, or individual. It is ONLY speaking death to a situation, the act of Adultery...ONLY. There is a big and major difference. The life of the act of adultery can no longer exist in your marriage. Period. We're not murderers.

No one is around here praying to take someone's life. That is totally out of order. Totally!

But because this is spiritual warfare, you do have to pray certain things to cease from existance. And again, I said THINGS...Acts of sin. Not the sinner. Sinners need God's grace and mercy to stay alive, so they can live and receive Jesus. That's why we pray for our enemies, otherwise they have no future in eternity. Just making sure you get this prayer straight.

The Amazing Thing about Adultery is that it is so easy to have scripture to support its end.

Please keep this word below in mind, for in prayer this shall come to pass.

"None shall be weary nor stumble among them; none shall slumber nor sleep; neither shall the girdle of their loins be loosed, nor the latchet of their shoes be broken." (Isaiah 5:27)

Meditate and pray about this word. I'll be back to share more, Angels
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^^ I must've missed this, but ITA. Great thread...

DH is good :) but I refuse to let my 13-year-old be abducted by the Enemy!
Shimmie many pastors say that it is permissable for a person to leave a marriage due to adultery. Do you agree? There are so many conflicting passages in the Bible.
Shimmie many pastors say that it is permissable for a person to leave a marriage due to adultery. Do you agree? There are so many conflicting passages in the Bible.

Scripturally permissible but not a mandate; God would prefer that the marriage is healed.

When you have a moment read the beautiful story in Hosea. God uses marriage as an example of His love for us...He takes us back. This is how God feels about marriage...it is forever.

Of course if there is physical, mental, sexual abuse in a marriage, God would never allow one to stay in that situation.
Scripturally permissible but not a mandate; God would prefer that the marriage is healed.

When you have a moment read the beautiful story in Hosea. God uses marriage as an example of His love for us...He takes us back. This is how God feels about marriage...it is forever.

Of course if there is physical, mental, sexual abuse in a marriage, God would never allow one to stay in that situation.

Thank you.
Thank you.

Lucie, this might help you. I am still learning and studying the bible myself.

1 Corinthians 7 NIV

1 Corinthians 7:10-16


10To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. 11But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife.
12To the rest I say this (I, not the Lord): If any brother has a wife who is not a believer and she is willing to live with him, he must not divorce her. 13And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him. 14For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy.
15But if the unbeliever leaves, let him do so. A believing man or woman is not bound in such circumstances; God has called us to live in peace. 16How do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? Or, how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife?