
New Member
I have seen that some of you do this but I have some questions:

1. What are the benefits

2. This seems like it would make your hair very sticky. I'm not really understanding this. To me it sounds like putting syrup in your hair. I would never do that.

Please tell how you ladies are putting honey in your hair without it becoming a sticky mess.
Honey is a humectant and it also gives great shine. You dont just put the honey in your hair straight out of the bottle, heat it up some and/or mix it with oil and/or conditioners. It rinses very clean
I love love love adding honey to my conditioners. I just keep packets around(from ff places) and add a pack into my conditioner for pretreating. I also add EVOO or coconut oil, and coconut milk sometimes. U can warm it all up for 10 or 15 seconds to make it mix better.

You get nice soft hair with a natural shine, cant beat that! Im starting to find that many natural things(honey,coconut milk/coconut oil, EVOO,etc) do more magic than many products that are supposably the best thing since sliced bread....try it!
I agree, it does not rinse sticky at all.

Here's some info I found:

Honey is composed of sugars like glucose and fructose and minerals like magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium chlorine, sulphur, iron and phosphate. It contains vitamins B1, B2, C, B6, B5 and B3 all of which change according to the qualities of the nectar and pollen. Besides the above, copper, iodine, and zinc exist in it in small quantities. Several kinds of hormones are also present in it.

If you mix it with an oil, you're giving your hair a really nice treat.
It's not sticky at all when you rinse it out! It's the good stuff believe me

I mix it in my my conditioners... a tablespoon or so. It's gives the conditioner more conditioning power
My hair comes out softer and nicely moisturized.

Don't knock it to you've tried it.
so you guys add it to your conditioner when doing conditioner washes? Or when you wash with shampoo and then use conditoner? Or do you mix it with EVOO with a plastic cap and sit under heat for a little while then rinse.

Honey just seems so thick to me. Is it actually disolving in the conditioner?
I have a question...I tried this on Friday mixing honey, evoo and conditioner it didn't work out too good I guess I had to heat the honey and evoo up a little first. But I'd like to know...do you wet your hair first and then put in the "magic potion" or do you do it on dry hair?
I usually don't add it to CO washes, because I usually do CO washes when I'm in a hurry (before work), or just want to freshen up my hair after working out. I do add it to pre-shampoo hot oil treatments and to my conditioner after I shampoo.

When you mix the honey and oil together it's not as thick as it would be alone.

Go ahead and try it, there's nothing to fear. I always use an applicator bottle for these things so I don't have to mix it in my hands. Cuts down on mess.
When I add honey for:

1. Hot Oils Pretreat: mix the oils and honey in cup/bowl and microwave for 30 seconds -- you may need to adjust time for your microwave, but just enough to turn the mixture into a warm liquid. I add to my DRY already massaged and combed out hair. I know others put hot oils on wet hair, whatever works for you.

Conditioner Washes: no need to heat, just mix the honey in cup/bowl with the conditioner and oils of choice using teaspoon to stir -- the honey simply "disappears" into the conditioner. Apply to hair as you normally would.

Deep Conditioners: same as above.

I haven't tried honey as a leave in yet, but that's my next "experiment" and I intend to mix the honey with my leave in cream (probably nexxus headdress) without heating and see what happens.
oh ok I thought you guys were putting the honey in your whole bottle of conditoner. Like pouring a few teaspoons in a bottle and using it that way. I didn't realize you had to mix the honey in the conditioner everytime you use it. Maybe I was thinking the lazy way.
I don't see why the "lazy way" would be any different. Honey is one of the only natural foods that doesn't go bad. And if you've ever rinsed syrup off anything, you know that it just "melts" away. Honey is the same way. It just "melts" in water. Probably because it has so much sugar in it.
I like to whip my "potions" up fresh each time -- only takes a few minutes and gives me more control at every wash in case I want to do something different or add or subtract something. Also, I like to maintain the integrity of my conditioners, not sure what effect if I put honey in and just let it sit around for months, may cause degradation or something. Anyway, I do my up fresh each time.
Well the good thing about honey is that it never spoils. It's the only food product that doesn't. So technically if you wanted to, you could make up your own large bottle of conditioner mixed with honey and store it for future use. I just never bothered to do it that way, because if I'm experimenting, I like to have the conditioner "as is" first. But it's a good idea to have it already pre-mixed for CO washes.

Edited to Add: I guess what I'm saying is that I agree with GMMP and Neroli.
Not for pre-shampoo treatments. I just cover it with a plastic cap and a towel to catch run-off. I leave it on anywhere from 30 minutes to overnight. I don't use heat either.
I use honey/olive oil for deep conditioning treatments on dry hair (with a heat cap) for 30 minutes. I do this once a week and have great results. I'd like to try to add it to my conditioner washes and see how that works too!
I just pour honey in whatever bottle of conditioner I'm using(usually daily defense tender apple or suave milk &honey) and shake it really well to mix it and then I con wash and con my hair with it. I also make up a spray leave in with honey, evoo, veg. glycerine, coconut oil, jojoba oil and water. Sometimes I'll add a drop of regulr con to this spray to give it extra 'umph'.
ChoclatePrincess said:
But do you guys wet your hair first? Do you let the "magic potion" sit for a while in your hair and then wash it out?

[/ QUOTE ]

i wet my hair when doing hot oil treatments or conditioner washes. I leave my hair dry when i do my deep condtioning treatments. I just mix the honey,eggs, oil, and the queen helen deep cholestrol conditioner together apply it on my dry hair and leave it on over night
I use honey as part of my pre-shampoo treatment. I mix honey, coconut oil, jojoba oil and sometimes castor oil and heat it up. Then, I put it in an applicator bottle and apply it to my dry hair, put on a plastic cap and either wrap a towel around it or sit under the dryer for about 1 hr. My hair doesn't shine, though. Maybe I'm not using enough honey.
I too recently start using honey in conditioners and avocado, mayo mixtures with EVOO. Because it is a humectect I need all the moisture I can get!!!
I have seen that some of you do this but I have some questions:

1. What are the benefits

my hair feels GREAT after my mixture with honey. soft, tangle free, smooth cuticles.

2. This seems like it would make your hair very sticky. I'm not really understanding this. To me it sounds like putting syrup in your hair. I would never do that.

i mis mine with EVOO conditioner and essential oils. never leaves my hair sticky
I love it. I use two tablespoons of organic honey ,olive oil, (only a lil bit) vo5 lavender, and a half of teaspoon of sea salt. My BF says it looks like I'm cookin' crack. LOL . So. I call I blue magic. Works wonders!!!
I have seen that some of you do this but I have some questions:

2. This seems like it would make your hair very sticky. I'm not really understanding this. To me it sounds like putting syrup in your hair. I would never do that.

Honey is a Natural Humectant (Moisturizer). It really doesn't leave your Hair Sticky at all as long as you Rinse Well.

When I use to Pre-Poo, I made several Hair Recipes using Honey/Molasses as well as misc. Oils. I, as well as other Ladies have also use Black Strap Molasses. Neither, in my opinion, leaves your Hair Sticky at All.:yep: