Putting beads in with rubber bands


Well-Known Member
I am about to do my friends' daughter hair. She wants beads put in using rubber bands. I have only used foil before. Can someone give me instructions how to use the rubber bands to hold the beads?:)
I love putting beads in my daughter's hair. I think they are so cute (when used in moderation :) ). I use the rubberband method.

1. I place the beads on the braid

2. loop the loose end up to a space betweeen the second to the last bead and the last bead

3. Rubberband the hair to this space so that the bead appears to be at the end of the braid

I hope this helps.....

I'm currently deploy if I wasn't I'd seen pics....

I'm sure someone will chim in who can explain it a lil better