
New Member
Hey everybody! I guess it's time for me to come out and show who I am. I am in the running for SouthPole's new fresh face. The campaign lasts about a month and I am currently at the top of the ranks and really hoping for everyone's support! So this is my coming out to long hair care forum lol! I think with everyone's help it will be attainable. You may vote once a day, but if you find another computer, hey vote again! It's your votes that will make the difference. Please help me to win this campaign! I am a model and singer and this would mean so much to me. I am at the in the top 5 girls and I can just taste that top spot. So help put my hair in SouthPole's campaign and vote for me PLEASE!!!! And if you would like, leave a review :) It helps make the entry look better! xoxo

[FONT=&quot]Vote for me at http://brickfish.com/kristennichole Click view & vote on the 1st photo!! It really only takes a second of your time so please don't overlook this. It’s for the SOUTHPOLE model search. [/FONT]

Here's the link to vote for ALL of my entries. I found out that one of my other entries may be chosen to win even if it's not the top so try to vote for those also, but first priority is the #1 entry!!! http://brickfish.com/kristennichole

THE COMPETITION HAS ENDED!!! I am STILL #1!!!!! Out of over 4449 entries! I also have 5 other photos that you all helped to get into the top 250 at #78, #93, #99, #127, & #134. I dunno how much better that gets! Now it's time to just wait and pray. Cross your fingers too! The results will be in by January 5th. Thank you so much for all of your support! I hope that all this hard work will pay off.

December 18th Update:::::::::::::::::::::::UPDATE:::::::::::::::::::

dRUMROLLL PLEASE.............................

I got runner-up...........

But it's okay. I don't know who I lost to but I'm thankful anyway. IT's still a pretty big accomplishment. It's disappointing but I'm just going to take this as a stepping stone for the future. We all worked really hard and I thank every last one of you for putting in the steady votes each day. I still win $1000 of SouthPole wardrobe which is pretty cool. I might throw you something. LOL

Sorry I didn't come back with better news. Maybe one day I'll be able to say I'm modeling for an even bigger company. Thanks so much everyone for the support & one day I'll bring better news I love you all.

xoxo Kristen Nichole @ Kristen Nichole (dot) com
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i just voted for you
you look stunning
Yep, I voted twice! Good luck to you.....Hope I can remember to vote everyday.

You're a pretty lady.

Wow thank you so much! And yes, that is the whole idea of this post! This campaign ends in 27 days which honestly is NOT a lot of time for me to get votes. I just hope that everyone here clicks on and votes every time they see this post. Even if you've voted already keep voting! Please try to keep this post up for 27 days and vote! LHCF's votes will probably help pull me over the top and I want this so bad! There's 1 more girl on there who wants it just as bad as me and is trying just as bad. Slacking is not an option. I really appreciate you and everyone else on LHCF. Let's make this happen!!!!!

http://brickfish.com/kristennichole <~Click Here to VOTE
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