Puritin Vitamins Arrive...Any Suggestions for Use.


New Member
I've read so many great comments re: Puritan Pride's supplements, so I decided to order these. What I love most about them is the fact that I only have to take 1 of each because I bought greater mgs. So, therefore I don't feel like I'm a junkie. Here's what I bought:

Evening Primrose Oil, 1,000 mg (1 per day)
MSM, 1,500 mg (1 per day)
Biotin, 1,000 mcg (1 per day)
L-Cysteine, 500 mg (1 per day)

I know that I should add vitamins A, C, E, but should I also:

Take 2 L-Cysteine's a day to make 1,000 mg?
Take 2 Biotin capsule a day to make 1,000 mg?

OR, just stick to the recommended daily requirements.

Any other suggestions that you can provide would be...


Thanks and God bless...
Hey loverofnaps71, I'm rather new at this too. I ordered the pp biotin and began taking 5000mcg's a day. check out the thread PP Biotin Bristling, Itching, Follicular Action. This is where I was first introduced to biotin. I purchased mine about a month and a half ago and have been takeing it religeously. I havent noticed any changes yet but I'm not gonna give up hope. I'm also taking a store brand B complex and just yesterday started flax seed oil. But any way check out this thread its named as one of the top ten threads. I added it as one of my favorites.
Re: Puritin Vitamins Arrive...Any Suggestions for

It was strongly suggested by many ladies that when taking biotin, you should take B-complex, so I am taking both: 5 - 1000 mcg of biotin and 1 - 100 mg of b-complex. I also take a multivitamin for women. I plan to buy MSM when I get paid.

Congrats on your purchases.