Puritan Pride Biotin w/ Silica


New Member
I am totally PISSED :mad: I just went to re-up on my Puritan Pride Biotin with Silica they discontinued it!!!!!!! :mad: I believe one of the reasons why some people had results (like me) and some didn't was because some of the PP Biotin had Silica and some didn't. I was using the one with silica and was happy with the results. My hair and nails were flourishing. Well, I ran out a few weeks ago so I used biotin from Whole Foods, Vitamin Shoppe, and GNC and my nails are now thin and weak so I don't even want to think about my hair....... :( Anywho, I did order the plain PP Biotin so, we'll see what happens.
dag i wanted to try that...Why dont you get a bottle of biotin and a bottle of silica...Imunhappy with the vitamins I got from a local health food store...where do you ge puritan pride vitamins?
I used the PP biotin but I did not notice any changes. I got some Rexall Extreme Biotin 1500mcg from Walmart and I have nails that are hard and growing.
I have noticed a difference in myhair...it is thicker and longer...but my nails are still really thin!!!

i dont know maybe i have to up my dosage!!?
I ordered the biotin with silica a few months ago from puritans pride and what they sent me was some rexall brand. Blkmaryland, in the past did they send you Puritan's pride brand or some other name brand?
Aalize said:
I ordered the biotin with silica a few months ago from puritans pride and what they sent me was some rexall brand. Blkmaryland, in the past did they send you Puritan's pride brand or some other name brand?

Aalize...they sent me both. Now that I think about it....Rexall was the one that had the silica......Now I really am PISSED!!!!!! :mad: I had to let the fiance know that I was buying vitamins since I had to use the credit card :( .......Heck, I could have gone to Wal-mart and snuck...oops I mean brought them without hearing his mouth!!!!! :grin: I'm on my way to Wal-Mart right now!!!! Thanks!!!!
Oh, man I'm CRUSHED too! I use that same brand from puritan pride and I only have one full bottle left. The brand is REXALL, not puritan pride although that is where I ordered mine as well. But, If you look on the back of the bottle they list a website www.rexallvitamins.com and a telephone number
1-877-273-9255. The first time I ordered I bought three extra by accident, but I ended up selling them because I did not think I would need all of them. Damn had I known they would be discontinued I would have kept them.

blkmaryland said:
I am totally PISSED :mad: I just went to re-up on my Puritan Pride Biotin with Silica they discontinued it!!!!!!! :mad: I believe one of the reasons why some people had results (like me) and some didn't was because some of the PP Biotin had Silica and some didn't. I was using the one with silica and was happy with the results. My hair and nails were flourishing. Well, I ran out a few weeks ago so I used biotin from Whole Foods, Vitamin Shoppe, and GNC and my nails are now thin and weak so I don't even want to think about my hair....... :( Anywho, I did order the plain PP Biotin so, we'll see what happens.