Pureology Products


New Member
Does anyone use Pureology? My little sister goes to a salon in Pittsburgh that uses these and her hair is awesome. Only thing is, she pays 150 just for a wash and set. I know right? She said she bought the products the girl used on her hair and they came to 300 dollars (including wash and set). I will admit, I used the spray to flat iron my hair and I fell in love. I told her since my b-day is next saturday, I wouldn't mind a bottle of that spray.
I also like the Bumble & Bumble products, but my word, they are pricey.
I gotta tell you, I was turned on to Pureology Nanoworks poo and condish when I had my last bout of Indian hair tracks sewn in about a year or so ago...

That stuff is the TRUUUUTH! I workout pretty regularly (if you don't count the last 2 wks) and I use Nanoworks poo and condish after every workout, which is normally no more than 3-4 times per week.

When i'm not working out, I alternate nexxus line with Aveda DR line (one wash/condish with each) for the week.

It's really insane to think about how much it costs. I went to a salon on their 45% off day when I bought it the first time. Next time, I went to ebay and basically got two for the price of 1. Were it not for glorious deals like that, I don't know how well I'd rest at night knowing I dropped that much cash on some poo and condish.

THAT being said, my hair has NEVER felt so soft and smooth. The condish especially is dreamy, organic, all natural and smells divine.

The only reason why i went looking for something else is because I threw highlights in my relaxed head earlier this year, had some breakage (duh) and knew I'd need to be focusing on more protein and moisture to build back health.

Good thing about Nanoworks, in my opinion, is at it's gentle enough to use every day. Visit your local upscale salon and try to get a sample. You can also find loads of samples on ebay, you can try before you buy. I'm amazed at how accesible the stuff is becoming. Depending on what line you want, I've seen Pureology in Target and also in Wegman's (a upscale, Whole Foods-ish kind of market for those of you that haven't heard)

Sorry for the book, but I was also looking for more people to speak out on Pureology in this forum. I know its touted as the shampoo for ALL hair types, but I really would like to know more about our personal experiences with the product...

The other good thing abt Pureology is a little really truly does go a lonnnng way. That pricey bottle should last someone with average length hair atleast 4 months if not longer.

Ok, signing off.. hope to hear more on this thread from other members who've used Pureology or want to....
Sorry I can't comment on the products because I haven't tried them, but when I saw $300 for some products I was like WHAT???!!! Especially when I saw this same brand in Target today. I'm just wondering is it the same or a knock-off....I'm curious since it appears to be organic.
ok, here's my limited knowledge about it.

While the regular-sized stuff's price tag is nothing to sneeze at -- $50 bucks each, it's the larger litre sized bottles that cost $100. And if I'm not mistaken, I think exarreca was saying the $300 her sister paid included the $150 wash and set AND the products.

Even so (LOL) $100 bucks for poo and condish is... like I said, no sneezing matter. :)

The hydrate line is what I've seen in Target. Pureology just recently started showing up on their shelves. It's an excellent line, just a tad less expensive than the Nanoworks line. I don't have much else to say on what line would work best... heck the jury is still out for me in terms of is this really the best thing to be using on my hair for the long run...

but i gotta tell you, i have never, NEVER, NEVER had a conditioner leave my hair so smooth and soft (and I do mean like butter). So hey, if you're curious, I say, find a sample and give it a shot. Then we can all get together and rob a bank (or better yet a salon) to support our habit... :)

jk... going to bed now... :)
Thanks for the input ladies. I saw the Nanoworks on amazon and added it to my wish list. Maybe my sis will come through and get it for my b-day. I really do want to try it. I almost got some when I was at Target. I was reaching for the bottle of shampoo just as I saw the price. I couldn't even bring myself to touch it. I thought my sister was stretching her story just for laughs, but clearly she wasn't. I'll check out ebay and some salons here to see if they have samples. Hell, I will see if they have a website with samples. Most companies do.
OK, I have just decided that I'm going to have to go on an LHCF hiatus until I get over my PJ withdrawal. I want to buy every new product that someone mentions. It's like a disease. Ya'll are draining my bank account. LOL. This ish is expensive but it is calling my name.:lachen:
I have the hydrate shampoo which is OK. I just got the conditioner. But I REALLY want to try the nanoworks. I just cannot get around to paying so much!
Does anyone use Pureology? My little sister goes to a salon in Pittsburgh that uses these and her hair is awesome. Only thing is, she pays 150 just for a wash and set. I know right? She said she bought the products the girl used on her hair and they came to 300 dollars (including wash and set). I will admit, I used the spray to flat iron my hair and I fell in love. I told her since my b-day is next saturday, I wouldn't mind a bottle of that spray.
I also like the Bumble & Bumble products, but my word, they are pricey.

What is the name of the spray that you used to flatiron your hair?
Amazon has a sale on 16 pureology/nanoworks products. They are discounted and if you spend $75 you then get a $15 discount. Free shipping.