Pure Castille Soap..Wonderful, Wonderful


New Member
It dawned on me that I have always used sodiumm laurel sulfate shampoos....like everyone else....there weren't any other options. But I don't think these shampoos really are not meant for our types of hair. After reading about how sulfates are drying to the hair and about castille soap yesterday on this forum, I went out to Trader Joe's and bought some. HEAVEN. It is a Peppermint Pure Castille soap with glycerin, olive oil and aloe vera. First I washed my face with a few drops of it and my face felt wonderful. Fully cleaned with no tightness the way soap makes your skin feel. Then I jumped in the shower eager to wash my hair.

It is the perfect shampoo for what I've been trying to do with regular shampoos which is "scalp shampooing". I'd just apply the shampoo to the scalp and clean and massage it, letting the run off from the suds clean the hair. This shampoo is great for that....it is low suds but because of the oils, it smoothes around on your scalp well and when you rinse it out it actually creates a certain amount of slip.

I liked it so much I tried a second "lather". Mistake. The oils built up and it felt gummy on my hair, particularly the roots. I remedied this by continued rinsing with hot water. This seemed to melt off the oil until my hair felt rinsed enough.

Now I am airdrying to see how it ends up, before I put on anything else.

I suppose this is not a good shampoo to use if you need to clarify, but its great for daily use.

I'm so happy that I found it and guess what else....IT'S ONLY $3.79!!!!!
Castile soap was too drying for me, but I agree it's great. And it's all purpose, you can use it for body wash, hair wash, face wash, and loads of other things.

If you're going to use it everyday then you should dilute it. Straight castile can be really harsh. You could just mix it with water or water and oil.

ETA: I absolutely LOVED Oyin's Honey Wash, which is castile soap mixed with honey and some other things. Maybe I'll try to make my own since plain castile is too drying for me.
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I thought about using Castille soap on my hair, but I thought it would be too drying. I do use it as body soap though. I'm trying to wean off the harsh chemicals myself. Maybe I will try it for hair. I dunno, we'll see. Thanks for the insight.
I really want to try Traycee's castile soap mix....but I'm trying to use up some other stuff that's just been sitting around. Hers sounds really nice.
I have been usuing Dr woods on my body for years..I never thought about usuing it for my hair...yesterday i brought 2 big 32 oz bottles of almond castile soap for my body wash..I may try traycee's mixture..
I use it weekly to wash my hair. The lavender one. It makes my hair soft. i also follow with a deep conditioner.