Purchased some MSM today! For my shedding hair...


Well-Known Member
Hi all...well quite honestly i was feeling a bit desperate. My hair grows slowly but i'm okay with that and i typically never buy anything to speed the growth. BUT I had to take a stand against the 2months of shedding that I have had since I got off of "The Pill". Yesterday I purchased a large bottle of powder form MSM at GNC. the brand is TriMedica and it says it's pure MSM and guaranteed 99.9%pure and medically proven. I scooped 1/4tsp in my 32oz water bottle and i can hardly taste it! It betta work cause i paid $35 dollas for this! they didn't carry any small bottles. Any ladies with any encouragement regarding MSM helping with shedding?
Checking in...my hair has def been shedding less....no results as far as softness or growth but I don't have as much hair come out when I wash. There were times just touching my hair I'd pull out clumps well maybe not clumps but alot to me....and now that doesn't happen. I take 2-3 g in the am and afternoon.
I have also seen a definite decrease in shedding after adding MSM. But I did not really start to see any results until about a month into it (i'm taking tablets though, which apparently aren't as "effective" as the powder). I've also started seeing the effects on my skin...I've had more zits pop up since it "kicked in"...a new face wash is helping. Anyhow, the results it's had on my hair and softening my ng make it worth it.
girl, i'm over here shedding like a dog. i ordered my msm over the internet a few days ago. hope it gets here fast!!!

hope trimedica works for you :)
Okay, Mizani...you're scaring me. I'm about to go off the pill and I definitely don't need any shedding. I think I'll up my MSM dosage now...maybe I can avoid the shedding issue all together. Hope it works for you!
marie170 said:
Dont rule out a possible low iron count that could be causing the shedding too...

The low iron count is definitely a big cause of shedding. I have low iron and heavy menstral cycles so I've been shedding a lot since I started my period. I just started taking iron supplements so hopefully that will help.
how do u ladies do it, i went out and purchased msm today and tried it and the taste was unbearable, i mixed it with water and i almost couldnt drink the stuff:eek:
onecharminglady said:
how do u ladies do it, i went out and purchased msm today and tried it and the taste was unbearable, i mixed it with water and i almost couldnt drink the stuff:eek:

Mix it with some juice - you won't taste a thing.
I have been taking MSM consistantly since Jan 2004. I initally purchased it to help with my shedding issues and it did. I started off taking 1,000 of the powdered version. Now I'm up to 2,000mg.

Many people on the board told me of the outbreaks and detox like symptoms they experienced when initally taking MSM. I didn't have any of the symptoms they mentioned. MSM has significantly decreased my shedding. I take mine daily (I just add to my water bottle and shake). I didn't begin to see results till about 6 weeks after I started taking it. The other benefits were an added bonus.
marie170 said:
Dont rule out a possible low iron count that could be causing the shedding too...
Very true. :yep: This happened to me several years go and after seeing a doctor I learned I must always take a good iron supplement, which stopped the shedding almost right away.
:) since January:

MSM 2 teaspoons of powder from www.a1.msm.co.uk or www.a1msm.com (brilliant service) I mixed MSM with a litre of water-

This mineral has improved my hair in many ways. My hair is now extremely soft and more managable,
I was a 4B but don't know if I can claim that any more. MSM loosens the curl texture, My texture has changed dramaticly and I find MSM helps retain length.

My skin is baby smooth, My teeth are whiter MSM has so many benefits...

HHG :)