pulling down your relaxed hair with new growth and not seeing growth


Well-Known Member
Anyone experience this? I was apl with thin ends in December and when I relaxed I did a trim/cut to my collar bone and was very satisfied. It looks so much better and my curls are no longer thin and whispy. But I can help but notice every time when I go to stretch my hair with my new growth it seems to be still be at my collar bone. I don't understand because my hair isn't breaking. Even it has been two months and some change since I did the cut, my hair is pretty much even so that shows I haven't had breakage. I don't get why it would still be at my collar bone. I have some good new growth too. I don't know if I need to pull harder because maybe my hair is coming in thicker or I will just have to wait until I relax to see the difference because I'm not about to pull so hard that I'm pulling out hair
Chile, imagine a whole head of knaps. :lol:

I know, that shrinkage would be crazy all natural but I'm still confused why I can see a difference with no breakage. If it is combing in thicker I'm happy. Right now I'm loving the thickness from my root to ends. It's almost the same thickness just waves where the new growth is. My hair has never been that even in thickness from root to ends. But you see a difference when it's wet though
It's probably that little bit of new growth then. Wait till you relax to see the true difference. It's only been just under three months, so the growth probably just isn't drastic enough for you to see.
Honestly, my hair always looks the same until I relax again or flat iron. The new growth shrinks the hair a bit so it looks like it's not growing but really is. I wouldn't worry about it. As long as you don't see breakage, there is gonna be growth (hopefully). So you should have better retention.
Honestly, my hair always looks the same until I relax again or flat iron. The new growth shrinks the hair a bit so it looks like it's not growing but really is. I wouldn't worry about it. As long as you don't see breakage, there is gonna be growth (hopefully). So you should have better retention.

Thank you, this has helped me ease up a lot