Puffy Ends?


New Member
Does anybody else's ends get puffy when they air dry? If so what does that mean? Did i not put enough product on the ends or is it because it dries first so it looks puffier because the rest of my hair is wet?
My ends get puffy when I air dry but I see that the ladies who really have their regimens down and who are successfully retaining length seem to not have much of a 'puffy ends' problem. Perhaps its a moisture issue like frizzyness? *shrugs*
yea thats what makes me wonder if there's something wrong with my ends, I got a blunt trim about 6 weeks ago and my ends dont appear to be split but they may be a little thinner, I'm not sure i didn't take a picture after they were first trimmed, which may be something i need to start doing. Maybe I need to start baggying?
yea thats what makes me wonder if there's something wrong with my ends, I got a blunt trim about 6 weeks ago and my ends dont appear to be split but they may be a little thinner, I'm not sure i didn't take a picture after they were first trimmed, which may be something i need to start doing. Maybe I need to start baggying?

See baggying never helped me with puffyness for some reason. After I baggied it would be puffy when my hair fully dried. What is seeming to tame this puffyness for me is that ghee/unsalted butter treatment. Has my hair feeling softttttttttt!!!
The first time I tried air drying, my ends did the same thing! I was so confused because, like you, I had gotten a trim nearly the week prior to that. It wasn't until I watched this girl's youtube video about how she got her hair to air dry straight that fixed the problem for me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2pj4tm5GG0

She did a series of smoothing her hair down from the middle to ends with her fingertips. After I did this, my ends looked MUCH better. Also, the first time around, I didn't have any leave-ins incorporated into my regimen, but I found that when I got a really good one and combined that with Elasta QP Mango Butter (it has worked wonders for my ends, wet or dry!) EVOO to seal, and her method to air-dry, the puffiness is no longer a problem. Of course, you don't HAVE to do her way to see the results I did, but I thought if I shared that you could take a look and see for yourself. Hope this helps! :)
The first time I tried air drying, my ends did the same thing! I was so confused because, like you, I had gotten a trim nearly the week prior to that. It wasn't until I watched this girl's youtube video about how she got her hair to air dry straight that fixed the problem for me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2pj4tm5GG0

She did a series of smoothing her hair down from the middle to ends with her fingertips. After I did this, my ends looked MUCH better. Also, the first time around, I didn't have any leave-ins incorporated into my regimen, but I found that when I got a really good one and combined that with Elasta QP Mango Butter (it has worked wonders for my ends, wet or dry!) EVOO to seal, and her method to air-dry, the puffiness is no longer a problem. Of course, you don't HAVE to do her way to see the results I did, but I thought if I shared that you could take a look and see for yourself. Hope this helps! :)

I saw this once before...I think I might try it, but I wonder if it will work for me since I have texlaxed ends that frizz up all the time.
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My ends are very puffy when I airdry. When I rollerset the ends feel and look better, but still are not smooth, like the rest of my hair. I plan to stick with rollersetting and over time, get rid of the puffy ends. I actually think the ends of my hair are underprocessed.
I just airdryed for the first time yesterday and I'm pretty impressed with the results. I thought it would be dry frizzy mess but it's not. I airdryed with no product and after it was dry I added a creamy moisturizer and sealed with olive oil and wrapped the hair.

That cut down on the puffiness and my hair looks better than it would have if I blowdryed. The ends don't look as good as when I rollerset but I'm not wearing it out so I don't mind.

I don't think there's anything wrong with your ends, that's just how it dries. My ends are in excellent condition and they still look puffy so I'm not worried. I'm just used to the sleek results of my rollersets.