Public Hair vs Hair on Scalp?????

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:perplexed I hope this is not TMI to yall....

I asked my mom how can I grow my hair faster in a month...she said did you notice the different between public hair and hair on scalp? I said huh? She said did you grease your hair public? I said no. She said did you shampoo your public hair? I said no. She said did you put oil or dc or anything on your public hair? I said no. Did you hot iron, comb, brush or etc to your public hair, I said no. Did you wash your public hair with soap and water in shower or bath everyday? I said yes of course....... Did you notice any different between your hair public and hair on scalp? which grew faster? I said ehh public hair???? She said correct that is the answer. It because you keep it clean and leave it alone. Look what you did to your hair, you comb it you oil it you wash it you bother it, your hair is thick but public hair is very THICKEST, SHINY and HEALTHIER. The answer is leave the hair ALONE so it will grow faster. That what she said, I was like NO WONDER why she never put grease, oil or anything on her hair just wash and conditioner that s it then let it air dry. Guess what her hair is so THICK, SHINY, and her hair grew faster than me! :wallbash: I grow one inch in every 5 weeks and HERS grew like 1.5 to 1.7 a month NO KIDDING!! I am soooooo JEALOUS!!!!! :lachen:I always sneak in her room and figure out what she did use on her hair but NONE! AND she told me to drink a glass of water with lemons and honey everyday she swore that it made her hair grew faster! But /honestly this is kinda WIERD conversation with my mom about public hair!?????:perplexed:ohwell: What ya think??????

dont tell me ya'll are braiding your Pubic hair around here :grin:

ok for reals though

I dont get it! :confused:

my pubic hair aint long :look:

in fact it doesnt grow it all and it BETT NOT!
You know whats so weird? I was JUST looking at that area today like DANG you grew back fast.
:perplexed I hope this is not TMI to yall....

I asked my mom how can I grow my hair faster in a month...she said did you notice the different between public hair and hair on scalp? I said huh? She said did you grease your hair public? I said no. She said did you shampoo your public hair? I said no. She said did you put oil or dc or anything on your public hair? I said no. Did you hot iron, comb, brush or etc to your public hair, I said no. Did you wash your public hair with soap and water in shower or bath everyday? I said yes of course....... Did you notice any different between your hair public and hair on scalp? which grew faster? I said ehh public hair???? She said correct that is the answer. It because you keep it clean and leave it alone. Look what you did to your hair, you comb it you oil it you wash it you bother it, your hair is thick but public hair is very THICKEST, SHINY and HEALTHIER. The answer is leave the hair ALONE so it will grow faster. That what she said, I was like NO WONDER why she never put grease, oil or anything on her hair just wash and conditioner that s it then let it air dry. Guess what her hair is so THICK, SHINY, and her hair grew faster than me! :wallbash: I grow one inch in every 5 weeks and HERS grew like 1.5 to 1.7 a month NO KIDDING!! I am soooooo JEALOUS!!!!! :lachen:I always sneak in her room and figure out what she did use on her hair but NONE! AND she told me to drink a glass of water with lemons and honey everyday she swore that it made her hair grew faster! But /honestly this is kinda WIERD conversation with my mom about public hair!?????:perplexed:ohwell: What ya think??????

I think the example of men with long hair cause they leave it alone or kids even would have been a better example to use :yep:
that's two different types of hair, isn't it? pubic hair is thick and strong because of evolution; that hair is the strongest because it protects our most vital parts (i heard that somewhere). that is also why is grows back so fast, without any 'help.' whereas the hair on our head is to release or retain heat.
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I get what she is saying...funny convo tho. Basically the less malipulating (sp) you are doing the faster the hair growth. There are are some threads that talk about this.
Pubic hair naturally grows faster than the hair on your head. :look: Plus, you can usually notice your pubic hair doesn't look anything liek the hair on your head. It is also thicker, differs in texture, and is more wiry....the two don't compare. BUT I must admit i used to want to braid it back in the day haha...or dye it pink:blush:....:lachen:
OH I feel slow. I thought this was about hairstyles worn in public until I read the posts above. dugh:ohwell:
Shall we start a Grow Your Hair As Fast A your Public Hair Challenge?:grin::lachen:

Really, though never thought of it that way before. Never heard of the lemon honey water but I'd give it a shot.:lick:
:lol: I made this same typo in reverse once on a court document. I typed "Mr. John Smith, Director of Pubic Relations." :lol:

I understand you, though, DP. But I don't have the answer. I think it's a mystery for the ages. :lol:
I get what she is saying...funny convo tho. Basically the less malipulating (sp) you are doing the faster the hair growth. There are are some threads that talk about this.

Im sorry but you ladies got me crackin up.
gotta love moms!

but pubic hair is usually a whole other texture and errythang!

But I guess it can apply

I dunno , lord I just dont know.......
Hmm your mom may be on to something. But my pubes are a looser texture than the hair on my head :look:
I thought of that too, but then I thought it may grow at the same rate I just can't tell because I have 4a compared to 2a so I just figured that it showed more length because it was looser.
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