PSA for Coconut oil users


Well-Known Member
I am new to moisturizing and sealing with oil so forgive me if you have already experienced this.

I started using coconut oil (Nutiva organic extra virgin) as my sealant of choice. This weekend on a trip I noticed that my hair was stiff from the time I left my dad's house until I was in the car and had warmed up for a few minutes. I did not figure it out for a few minutes.....but finally realized that the coconut oil I use in my hair is solid at colder tempuratures.

It was not a huge deal to me since the stiffness was gone within a minute or so of the car warming up but it did take me a few minutes to realize what had happened to my bouncy self rollerset hair.
I am new to moisturizing and sealing with oil so forgive me if you have already experienced this.

I started using coconut oil (Nutiva organic extra virgin) as my sealant of choice. This weekend on a trip I noticed that my hair was stiff from the time I left my dad's house until I was in the car and had warmed up for a few minutes. I did not figure it out for a few minutes.....but finally realized that the coconut oil I use in my hair is solid at colder tempuratures.

It was not a huge deal to me since the stiffness was gone within a minute or so of the car warming up but it did take me a few minutes to realize what had happened to my bouncy self rollerset hair.

Extra virgin coconut oil is my favorite oil, but I only use it during warmer temperatures/months, to avoid what you've described. If it's "solid" in the bottle, then I use extra virgin olive oil instead, my "second favorite." I live in warm/hot Texas, though, so I use coconut oil most of the time.
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LOL at your PSA:grin:-I guess it hasn't been cold enough here which is a good thing because I stay slathered in Nutiva EVCO head to toe. That stuff is addictive
That's never happened to me. Even if the coconut oil is solid just by rubbing it in your hands it becomes liquid but I've never had the experience of it re-solidifying in my hair once I put it on.
I experienced the same thing when I lived in NYC - so i diluted it with another store bought brand I had and that was better.
:perplexed:blush: Yikes! I haven't experienced this either, lol. I have the refined version (didn't realize I should be picking up the extra virgin version until after I already purchased it, lol). It's been cold around here, but no hardening on my hair. I only use about 5 drops though which is enough for my fine strands. How much did you use? The oil also has remained liquefied here on my dresser where I keep it to thankfully. I put some in a separate container, and as of yesterday added a small amount of Castor oil to it. I LOVE THIS STUFF, lol.
I live in Minnesota. During this time of year I avoid coconut oil for anything other than an oil treatment that I wash out. I used some on Friday night. And since I keep my house at 67 degrees, I was walking around with stiff hair.

Can't wait 'til spring!
I just came in to say that there is no such thing as "Extra Virgin Coconut Oil." This term is a marketing ploy to get you to buy their brand of coconut oil. The first cold press is called "Virgin" and "Extra Virgin" only applies to olive oil.

I'm sure that this has been stated before but I couldn't help it! Happy Coconut hair growing!
It has been freezing in NY and this has been happening to me with Vatika Oil. If I'm out for more than around 10 mins my hair gets kind of stiff.
I just came in to say that there is no such thing as "Extra Virgin Coconut Oil." This term is a marketing ploy to get you to buy their brand of coconut oil. The first cold press is called "Virgin" and "Extra Virgin" only applies to olive oil.

I'm sure that this has been stated before but I couldn't help it! Happy Coconut hair growing!

Thanx for posting this - I bought Spectrum's virgin coconut oil thinking this was as good as it gets - and then I saw extra virgin by another brand and was a little saw. Now I am happy again. :drunk:
Mine is liquid and sits in the bathroom in a spray bottle but whenever I go to visit my dad (he keeps his house cold) my coconut oil turns solid. I don't think I use that much (one spray that I rub in my hands and then onto my hair) but I could just be heavy handed and not realize it:ohwell: