Proteins and a well balanced diet,a lot of help


Well-Known Member
The last year i started consuming more proteins as i was on a low carb/high protein diet to loose some weight. BUUUT, it also help my hair to grow faster. I had the style that is short in the back and long in the sides/front with some layers, and i had to cut my hair almost every 4 to 5 weeks because as the hair was growing, the style was looking soo bad.

Anyway as i didn't really like to put eggs/mayo/yogurt in my hair, because even my hair looks strong, feels also very dry, i started with the low carb/high proteins diet again and made some research about the influence of proteins in our hair.

So if you want to grow hair faster, based on the same principle as drinking your hair to WL thread, but not that gross, read this!

Well Balanced Diet
From the point of view of a woman her hair is her crowning glory, and although it might not be the most well publicised aspect of health and wellness, it is a fact that what you eat can affect the quality of your hair.
If you stop and think about this for a moment, it is actually quite a logical state of affairs that this should be so. It is the case that hair follicles rely on nourishment from the blood stream, but they also compete with the rest of the body for nutrients. As your body classes your hair as effectively a non essential organ, it is quite low in the pecking order as far as the priority list of the bodies various functions with regard to receiving nutrients is concerned. In a situation where your diet[COLOR=#0072BC ! important][COLOR=#0072BC ! important][/COLOR][/COLOR] is lacking in sufficient nutrients, such nutrients as are available, will automatically be diverted to higher priority organs.

The consequence of this is that your hair really misses out in nourishment, and the results of lack of nutrients are that your hair can become dry, and also really slow to grow new hair. However, you can take active steps to help to avoid this.

Set out to make sure that you eat a well balanced diet[COLOR=#0072BC ! important][COLOR=#0072BC ! important][/COLOR][/COLOR], rich in fruit and vegetables, and with at least two servings of protein in each meal. Include decent quantities of energy giving whole grain carbohydrates in your overall diet, which will ensure maximum nutrition for your entire body. In turn your hair will get its fair share of necessary goodness, and as it is receiving the proper nutrients your hair should grow at a speed of about 14mm a month. It should also start to become much stronger and thicker as a consequence of this.

Hair That Just Will Not Grow
If you are experiencing this problem, there is probably a lack of B Vitamins in your diet. These provide the body with energy, and are vital for hair growth. In addition, if your energy levels are low, hair growth slows down. Eating a little and often, will help to keep your energy levels up. Also biotin which is sometimes called vitamin H, can help to create thicker faster growing hair. You will find Vitamin H in eggs, fish, milk, nuts and pulses.

Thinning Hair
This tends to be linked to an iron deficiency. Make sure that you are taking about 14mgs of iron a day, either from a supplement, or by increasing the amount of lean red meat and dark green vegetables in your diet. It is also recognised that too much Vitamin A can lead to hair loss. This is only likely to happen if you are taking high levels of Vitamin A loaded foods in your diet, or are taking high levels of Vitamin A supplements. If you are, stop, because Vitamin A is a toxic to the body, and hair loss is one of the first signs of this. If you want Vitamin A for your skin just increase your fruit and vegetable intake.

Hair Loss
The most common cause of hair loss is a shift in the growth cycle. In other words, some of your is growing, and some of it has ceased growing completely. Most hairs have a life expectancy of three to six years. These hairs will go into a resting stage for three months then fall out, and then new hair is produced from the same roots. A certain amount of hair loss is normal, for example cats and dogs shed hair everywhere without going bald. We normally will shed fifty to one hundred hairs every day. There are a whole host of life events that can cause changes in your hair, for example, in women birth control pills, pregnancy, and the menopause.

These can all affect hair growth conditions,as can rapid weight loss[COLOR=#0072BC ! important][COLOR=#0072BC ! important][/COLOR][/COLOR], severe dandruff, iron deficiency, and lack of proteins as mentioned above. A lack of these will also cause hair loss, just as a serious physical illness or stress can trigger a dramatic loss of hair. In most cases this is usually only temporary, and only occurs in extreme cases.

Some helpfull foods
Salmon and Oily Fish

Salmon and other fish like mackerel, sardines and tuna have Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin B12 in them. Ingesting this dietary requirement for long healthy hair will additionally improve the condition of the scalp. Oysters are also good to as they have zinc in them. It will make hair shine. Eat 3-4 servings per week.
Cereal and Nuts

Cereal not only has zinc, iron and B vitamins in it but, as it's often eaten in the morning, helps replenish hair follicles when they need it most. Hair benefits immensely from sleep, about 7-9 hours per night, but, come morning, the hair follicles are needy.

Eating a balanced breakfast including whole grains and nuts assists the follicles to send nutrients to the scalp, thereby stimulating growth. Cereal has the added advantage of often being eaten with milk or yoghurt, both of which intensify the health of hair.

Nuts are especially important. Brazil nuts contain selenium, vital for scalp health. Walnuts condition hair with their alpha-linolenic acid. Zinc is found in cashews, peanuts, and almonds, a mineral that prevents hair loss, fall out and shedding. Consume regularly.

Hair is protein, so the more protein one eats, the healthier the follicles will be. Eggs are an excellent source of protein, regardless of how they are prepared. Try to us as little butter or oil as possible in their preparation however. They also contain vitamin B12.
Chicken, Red Meat and Beans/Lentils

Chicken is also an excellent source of protein to help hair grow quickly. It enables bodies to better absorb iron, increasing the likelihood that hair colour will remain bright and the follicles strong.
Red meat can also be consumed twice a week to give hair its fullest chance of potency.

Vegetarians need not worry that hair growth will be compromised by their diet though. Beans and lentils provide a superb source of protein, as well as iron, zinc and biotin to prevent brittle locks. Three or more servings can be eaten a week.

Those who desire a luscious mane can't go wrong by eating lots of vegetables, both leafy green ones and carrots. Dark green vegetables provide iron and calcium, as well as Vitamin A and C. These vitamins assist in the production of sebum which the body needs to condition the hair and keep it in tip-top shape.

Carrots also provide Vitamin A. Good for vision as well as hair, these vegetables will encourage follicles to increase their production. Hair, well-fed, has no choice but to grow.
Maintain an excellent diet, low in fats, caffeine and alcohol, fortified with eight glasses of water a day and a multi-vitamin to increase the likelihood of hair growth.
Foods, Vitamins and supplements to help hair growth

Hair is mostly protein, so nutritionists advise those wanting healthy hair to eat well balanced diets that include healthy proteins, along with foods high in vitamin B, C, E, A and K.

Your hair will most likely respond well to the addition of high protein foods such as meats, eggs, cheese, seeds and nuts. Fish has good protein as well as essential fatty acids and natural oils.

Vitamin B - Green vegetables, beans, sunflower seeds, nuts and peas.

Vitamin C - Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, limes, melons and berries.

Vitamin E - Avocados, rice bran, nuts, dark green vegetables, legumes and whole grains.

Vitamin A - Carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, broccoli, cantaloupe and apricots.

Vitamin K - Seafood, dairy, figs, asparagus, broccoli, lettuce, brussel sprouts, cabbage, dark green leafy vegetables, oatmeal, soybeans, wheat, yoghurt, egg yolks and liver.
Well i have almost a year with splenda, and i havn't notice any stop in my hair growth