Protein Treatments, Reconstructors, Keratin Mists et al..


New Member
what is their main difference? i know aphogee has so man it's like over kill and I dont know which one to use when...I personally have the ORS mayo and the CHI keratin mist...can i use the mist as a protein? like when should i be misting?
what is their main difference? i know aphogee has so man it's like over kill and I dont know which one to use when...I personally have the ORS mayo and the CHI keratin mist...can i use the mist as a protein? like when should i be misting?

:look: Not sure of this is accurate but I've been told:


Per instructions can be used weekly or bi-weekly, then it's a mild protein

Hard core protein and must be used monthly or so

I'm not sure but would like to know...

If I am wrong then would someone help me out...?!?! :rolleyes:
I don't know if I'm using it correctly, but I use CHI Keratin Mist sometimes daily before bunning. Of course I use a moisturizing leave-in daily also.

I love it but I tend to shy away from it if I'm using a more creamy moisturizer that also has protein.
Found it!! A post by Sistaslick taken from this thread which EVERYONE should read.

I agree! :yep: Just about everything marketed for ethnic/textured hair contains some amount of protein. SG is right. The hair needs protein to accept moisture. Protein shores up the holes and weak spots along the cuticle- so if your hair is properly "proteinated" (is that even a word?:lol: ), it will be able to hold onto the moisture you give it much better. Patching up the "holes" is very important for moisture retention. :yep: To me, ORS replenishing pak is a light protein-based conditioner, not a treatment.

This is way I've always understood the conditioners vs. treatments/reconstructors thing-

There are conditioners with protein in them, with such low concentrations of proteins relative to moisturizers and humectants, that they give an overall moisturizing effect. Humecto and CON Nourishing conditioner are both conditioners that contain protein, but yield an overall moisturizing benefit. So, though they contain protein-- they are still considered moisturizing conditioners.

The next level would be protein-based or "protein rich" conditioners. These are regular conditioners that contain higher amounts of protein, relative to their moisturizing and humectant-like agents. These conditioners are generally more "surface-acting", contain larger protein molecules, and yield less dramatic results than “reconstructors. ” Protein-based conditioners rinse away/wear off easily in a few days/washes because they do not penetrate the cuticle layers deeply. LeKair Cholesterol, ORS Replenishing pak, and Mane N Tail come to mind for examples. Because their formulas do contain moisturizing/conditioning agents, a moisturizing conditioner may not need to be used afterward.

The final level would be the treatments/reconstructors. These contain the highest amounts of protein compared to moisturizing agents, and offer very little actual conditioning. The results of reconstructors are usually more dramatic and longer lasting than protein-based conditioners, because they tend to contain concentrated, smaller hydrolized proteins that can penetrate and bind to the cuticle layers a little more deeply. These also vary in protein concentration compared to one another, but as a whole tend to contain more protein than everyday protein-based conditioners. Aphogee 2 Min Keratin reconstructor is an example of a light end reconstructor, and of course the Treatment for Damaged hair is on the heavy end. Because their sole job is to "repair" and/or "reconstuct" these treatments don't offer much in the way of conditioning, and usually have to be followed by moisturizing conditioner.

The protein concentrations, size, and type are what separate the “treatments/reconstructors” from the regular protein-based conditioners, and other conditioners that contain protein but aren’t necessarily protein conditioners. Thats what I think anyway. :lol:
My take is that Reconstructors are geared more towards relaxed, damaged and limp hair to minimize breakage, shedding and porosity. It is also meant to realign, smooth and seal cuticles(according to Affirm). While Protein Treatments are meant for overall conditioning and maintanence.

Both can come in forms from very mild like Aphogee 2 Min Reconstructor, which can be used weekly or biweekly to the stronger like Affirn 5in1 Reconstructor that can be used monthly or less. An example with Protien Treatments would be ORS Hair Mayo which is a mild protein treatment and could be used weekly verses Aphogee 2 Step Treatment which is used ever 6 weeks or more.
My take is that Reconstructors are geared more towards relaxed, damaged and limp hair to minimize breakage, shedding and porosity.

Just wanted to say that protein treatments/reconstructors/conditioners cannot minimize shedding.
okay msa (always love your input!)...question. what about the keratin mist? like aphogee has that tea tree or something spray for protein..thats just something to use? blahh...
what is their main difference? i know aphogee has so man it's like over kill and I dont know which one to use when...I personally have the ORS mayo and the CHI keratin mist...can i use the mist as a protein? like when should i be misting?

The ORS Hair Mayo is a mild protein that can be used weekly. The CHI Keratin mist is similar to the Aphogee sprays. Their purpose is to penetrate the hair shaft from heat(blwo dryer, flat iron, etc.) and protect it. They can be used for other things though. When you need a quick boost of protein and don't have time to DC, or when you just need a pick-up. I used the Aphogee spays (Keratin & Green Tea and Protein Leave In) faithfully after I bleached my hair, and they kept my hair breakage free:yep:
Just wanted to say that protein treatments/reconstructors/conditioners cannot minimize shedding.

this is not true for my hair. my hair starts to shed like a dog (not breakage) when i go too long without my protein and as soon as i use it (mane n tail, 2 min, or keratin spray), it's back to normal.
this is not true for my hair. my hair starts to shed like a dog (not breakage) when i go too long without my protein and as soon as i use it (mane n tail, 2 min, or keratin spray), it's back to normal.

But shedding is normal for different people. You can't stop shedding, because you hair has its own cycle that you pretty much can't do anything to stop it. If it doesn't shed as much, then its either trapped or most of your hairs aren't ready yet.

They way things seem and the way they are, are oftentimes two whole different things.
But whatever...just my two cents. No shots fired....
i know my hair and i know my shedding cycles. the only time i have abnormal shedding is when i'm not consistent with my protein usage.

and there are things that can minimize shedding. garlic treatments and treatments with molasses are the first to come to mind. :yep:
Every week I use the Aphogee 2 Min Keratin Reconstructor and then rinse. After that, I use ORS Hair Mayo and leave it on under a shower cap for about 2-3 hours, no joke!

What I will say that consistently, this combo of both the 2 Min (protein) and the Hair Mayo (deep protein condtioner) works great on my hair. BUT I will say that if I don't follow up with a deep conditioner soon enough just even mins after I do the Aphogee, it will feel dry.

So I think that the 2 min is a Protein Reconstructor while some things are a Protein Conditioner, like the Hair Mayo.