Protein Treatment


Well-Known Member
Hello. I don't recall ever purchasing a protein treatment & instead have used eggs on my hair in the past.
The thing is as I notice my hair to get knotted at the ends even after combing/finger combing I know it's time for a trim. But FIRST I think I must do a protein treatment.
Any suggestions ladies? Planning on purchasing a product within 2 hours.
Thank you
Dudley's DRC 28 is a hardcore protein that works wonders on weak hair used once every 6-8 weeks. Keracare 5 in 1 Reconstructor is a milder protein treatment that can be used safely every 2-4 weeks. Redken Extreme Builder Plus is also awesome and can be used once every 3-4 weeks.
Thank you to those who responded. I told my concerns to the sales associate at Sally's Beauty Supply. And even though she didn't necessarily suggest a protein treatment I bought the Ors Replenishing Conditioner.
I will use tomorrow in addition to light dusting.
The only protein treatments I purchased were ORS mayo or Queen Helene Cholesterol. I would add an egg to them or make my own mix of egg, mayo and olive oil with lavender, rosemary and peppermint essential oils. Generally, I'd leave them in overnight. I haven't done that in a while though. I mixed fenugreek powder with my deep conditioner and it did wonders for my head. Softened and elongated my 4a curls. The only thing is that you have to thoroughly wash it out of your head because fenugreek will start to clump.
I'm so intrigued with using fenugreek powder. I have yet to use it, however, I do have the tea which I have yet to use also. How do you recommend I use it and where do you buy it? Fenugreek has good conditioning and growth properties, right?
I added it to my deep conditioner and then let it sit on my head overnight. I was amazed at how my hair draped but it took some effort to wash it all out. I only did it a couple of times. I bought it from a International Market. I do have fenugreek capsules that I'm thinking of using. I bought them a couple of years ago via a sale and forgot all about them. Yes, fenugreek has good conditioning properties. Here's a thread about it from a couple of years ago:
No. the closest I came is probably the Fenugreek. I did try Vatika coconut oil and Dabur Amla oil back in '09 and realized it was one of the reasons my hair felt so crispy and dry. They didn't work for me. Regular unrefined Coconut oil does though.