Protein treatment the week before the relaxer


Well-Known Member
I know a lot of people do this and I was doing it myself, but I will be getting a touchup next week, and it seems like the longer I stretch the drier my hair gets. I am 10 weeks post (I think) and it's feeling so dry. I notice my hair is is driest when I need a relaxer. Anyone got a theory about this?

Anyway, I'm wondering since my hair is very dry right now, should I even bother with the protein treatment? I think that would just make it drier. I always put a moisturizing DC after the protein, but it doesnt really help. What do you ladies think? Would you still use the protein?
This happens to me, too.

I am a 4a, very fine and tightly coiled, and my hair starts snapping off at exactly at 5 weeks. Mind you, i am very new to the boards, but I stretched for one extra week. (my first and only stretch, so far) Previously, I didn't think it was going to be possible for me to stretch at all, due to the dry feeling and the breakage at the 5 week point. I was very apprehensive about stretching.

I use Cantu shea butter at the demarcation line. I apply this light protein like a relaxer, and spray a little S-curl on the ends. (my hair cannot do heavy protein) This method seems to work for me.

I'll try it again on my next stretch.

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I do a moderate protein treatment 3 or 4 days prior to my perm and then bun it up til I get to the salon for my relaxer. Works well for me.