Protein treatment right after relaxing???


New Member
I'm thinking about using my Nexxus Emergencee treatment the next time I wash my hair (Monday). (I just got a touchup yesterday). Is this okay, or do you think I should stick with a creamier protein, such as Keraphix or Bone Marrow?

My hair feels okay, so I don't really even know if I NEED a protein, but I figure it probably can't hurt, since I DID just put chemicals on my hair.

Pls. give me some advice, ladies!!
whenever I get a relaxer I try to use a cream protein treatment as the other types are too sticky and when I get a relaxer my hair is already sticking to my head,but if u do not have that problem then it should be fine however the sticky ones seem more drying than the creamy ones,I am not sure of the nex emergency.
I'm going to do one today & I got my relaxer on Tuesday. I'm going to use the Elucence Extended Moisture Repair Treatment, which isn't a creamy protein it's a bit like Nexxus Emergencee, so I'll tell you how it goes!
Hey Lindy

I finished my hair and it came out GREAT!!! I used Elucence MB Shampoo and then did an ACV rinse w/ a 1/7oz. ratio(9oz/63oz). I then used Elucence EMRT w/ plastic cap and sat under the dryer for 17 minutes. I then applied the At One with Nature conditioner for 3 min. plastic cap/no dryer and rinsed. I then added Elucence MB Conditioner as my leave-in/setting lotion and rolled my hair on the small pink rollers (I wanted ringlets). I sat under the dryer for about 30 minutes and my hair turned out great with nice ringlets, my hair is finally long enough that when I do these ringlets my hair is only about 1/4 in. above my shoulders!

Oh, someone had posted about putting your hooded dryer on an ironing board and adjusting the height to the height of your chair, that is genius!!! Why am I just now doing it??? It worked great!
Thanks Ms. Kenesha! I'm glad your hair came out so nice!! Did you use the small magnetic rollers? How in the world did your hair dry in only 30 mins.???

I think I may use the Nexxus Emergencee, depending on how my hair feels on Monday. It's relaxed so straight that now that I can't do a thing with it except put it up. (I hate that!!) Today's humidity sure didn't help either!!
Hey Lindy, yes I used small magnetic rollers, my hair didn't dry in 30 minutes, 30 min was all I could take under that hot
dryer, the rest of the drying I did w/o the hooded dryer.

I hate superflat hair too!
3 days after relaxing I normally use a moisturizing conditioner. Then 3-4 days later I do a protein conditioner. Once I used a protein conditioner right after a touch up and boy was my hair straw like. Ever since then I use moisturzing conditioner first. Hope this helps.
Prior to using Affirm my stylist would use Aphrogee treatments in my hair the same day after she relaxed my hair. My hair would be dry as well. Now that I use Affirm relaxers I use the Positive link conditioner as a step in the relaxing process. Affirm also has a 5 in 1 reconstructor that can be use with/or in replacement of the conditioner.
I use the Nexxus Emergencee the same day as my touch up. A few days after is fine. If I get my color the same day as my relaxer I always do Emergencee a few days (two or three) after.
I use a creamy protein reconstructor the same day as my touchup followed by a moisturizing conditioner. My hair feels strong and moisturized after rollersetting.
Thanks Ladies,

I decided to use the Keraphix. I'll use the Emergencee in a couple of weeks, when my hair recuperates some more from the touchup.