Protein treatment after relaxer....


Well-Known Member
How soon can I use protein after a relaxer? I got a relaxer on Monday (April 2). I'm seeing breakage (very light) and little to no shedding. I've upped my moisture but was wondering should I do a protein treatment? I've heard of doing it every two weeks or so.... but I was wondering if it was safe to use it after 1 week of being relaxed?

Thanks in advance. :)
I hope I'm not giving you wrong advice but
I got a relaxer yesterday after almost 3 months of stretching because my hair was shedding like crazy. I had tons of new growth but I really can't stretch that long. Anyway, I did a protein treatment afterwards with egg, evoo, and ors pack and my hair is fine. I may have seen like 3-4 strands today which is GREAT!
I use a protein treatment with my next wash which is about 3-4 days after my relaxer. I've never had any bad experiences doing it that way so you should be fine doing one a week after your relaxer.
ILuvsmuhgrass said:
How soon can I use protein after a relaxer? I got a relaxer on Monday (April 2). I'm seeing breakage (very light) and little to no shedding. I've upped my moisture but was wondering should I do a protein treatment? I've heard of doing it every two weeks or so.... but I was wondering if it was safe to use it after 1 week of being relaxed?

Thanks in advance. :)

Four days post touch-up I did the Ahogee 2 step, no problem.
I have DRC-28 protein treatment done immediately after my relaxer! No problems been doing this for years. (well my hair dresser has):D
i use Motions CPR Treatment or Keraphix the next wash. (usually 4-7 days after the relaxer) No problems at all.
I usually do a protein treatment 1 week post relaxer. Relaxers with lye tend to dry your hair out as it is so I definitely wouldnt do one the same day.