Protein Then Condition!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
I know, I know. You all have told me and told me. I have read it on here thousands of times.When you do a protein treatment you must condition after! I have done a protien treatment before with just eggs. But, now I do a hard protein treatment with eggs and yogurt. I tried to get away with it twice. Condition the very next day! Today my hair was rough and I could not get it to be soft no matter how hard I tried! I added oil and I did a vinegar treatment. Both of them make my hair soft usually. Not today! I ran to the store and got some of my mayo and I ran to the shower and washed my hair twice with my baking soda and water mix then I washed twice with my vinegar. I was so happy to put the mayo on my hair! It conditions my hair very well. I will never do a really hard protein treatment without conditioning the next day ever again! Lesson learned!
When I do my protien treatments. I always conditon afterwards. I do this b/c protien treatments alone by itself without any conditioner follow up leaves my hair hard and brittle.