Protein shake


New Member
My diet just does not contain enough protein daily and I think I would like to try a protein shake. Suggesions on a good tasting protein shake that is reasonably priced? (When I say reasonably priced, I don't mind paying a lot up front as long as it lasts awhile)
Bump. I tried a few from GNC. They are nasty. There was a strawberry and cream one that wasn't so bad but it gets tiring to drink that day after day so i'm pretty much back to square one.
I want to know the same thing that you do.
You may want to just try a drink that has protien in it like carnation instant breakfast or boost, to incrase your protein intake.
I can't think of any that are super reasonably priced because I tend to go with companies that I'm familiar with instead of , like, Kmart brand protein or something...

As far as taste, I prefer soy protein over whey. I think whey protein tastes kind of like snot (sorry I know that sounds
). I like the Spirutein brand, but the only flavor that I've had is banana. I mix that with milk (soy or regular) and frozen fruit and its pretty tasty.

edited to add: I recommend drinking your protein shake in the coldest form possible (frozen almost smoothie if possible). It makes even whey more bearable. Otherwise even good protein tastes gross. Fruit always helps except with the chocolate flavors.
Ensure is really good. My mom drank it during her chemo treatments and didn't loose any hair.
Ensure is really good. My mom drank it during her chemo treatments and didn't loose any hair.

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I love Ensure, but it's so dayum expensive. I like the chocolate, strawberry, and mocha!
I make my own with Strawberrys, Bannans, ice, honey, juices or water and protien powder. Right now I'm using Whey Protien Powder
it is SOoo good I can't believe it's good for me.
Which protein mixes make shakes that taste the MOST like a regular milkshake or flavored milk? I am VERY picky!!!
BTW, has anyone ever tried the Smoothie King chain? They sell healthy smoothies and they will even add nutrients upon request like protein and MSM. I've tried some of their shakes and they are GOOD!
kashi go-lean high protein high fiber energy shake mix that's what it says on the label it has 30 grams of protein i get choclate and add banana best tasting one i've had and i've tried most that are listed here
Others have mentioned ensure even though its not specifically a protein shake. My mama used to get it for my brother because he was 6'2" and only weighed 120 lbs. She had him drink it with meals so he would stop looking so starved and abused. It didn't work. Well, in the meantime I used to sneak the stuff because it tastes really good but I think it's like 5 bucks for a pack of 6.
My sister used to drink SlimFast for protein but she kept getting funny looks and questions because she was so skinny! She didn't give a damn about weight loss she just wanted the protein!
Which protein mixes make shakes that taste the MOST like a regular milkshake or flavored milk? I am VERY picky!!!
BTW, has anyone ever tried the Smoothie King chain? They sell healthy smoothies and they will even add nutrients upon request like protein and MSM. I've tried some of their shakes and they are GOOD!

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Melodee, there's a Smoothie King right next to my campus. I had forgotten all about it, I'll have to make myself a regular over there. What's your favorite shake/smoothie that they serve?
Ultra Hair Shake tastes good but I think it only has 14g of protein. I'm getting back on Bargello's vitamin regime. Today, I bought Vitamin Shoppe Soy Protein powder (it has 26g of protein). I have to really doctor my protein smoothies in order to drink them.

I use soy protein powder, carnation instant breakfast mix, frozen strawberries, and/or canned sliced peaches, tofu, soy milk, ice, and flax seed oil. I've gotten off the beaten path for a while and my hair has suffered greatly. But, I'm getting back on it with a vengence!

Experiment with different fruit and try a little honey in your shake. Good luck!
every now and then when I have extra money to spare I buy ensure the one that says "high in protien" I take it for the protien benefits and also it keeps me so energized and for that week i'm taking it my hair grows so much! at least 1/4-1/2 inch a week!! so If i take it for a full month I might get 2inches!

but it's sooo expensive
It actually has 7g of protein and 15g. of carbs. That's why I too, am looking for something that tastes just as good (one of the main reasons I'm am loathed to let it go. I've taken to chilling the shakes and I tell ya they taste like ICE CREAM
) but with more protein and less carbs to fit in with my diet.
actually I'm wrong. I just read the fine print at the bottme of the canister. WITH skim milk it does have 15g. of protein - but 27g. of carbs (19g of that being sugar).
I drink Cardio-Link Soy 25. I get it at Wal mart, on the vitamin isle. It's only $4.99 for a 7-day supply. They have chocolate and vanilla. I have been drinking the vanilla for a while, and I recently bought the chocolate but have not yet tried it. I make the vanilla by pouring 12 oz. skim milk into my blender, adding a whole, chopped banana, and two ice cubes, and then blending it. It's really good w/the banana, but I don't much care for it plain. Each serving has 25 grams of protein and 100% of the recommended daily value of vitamin E. I'm sure you can add any other fruit you like. I may try adding strawberries at some point. CardioLink has a Web site at .
I've forgotten the names of the smoothies, it's been awhile since I've been there. The Smoothie King near U of M? My brother's best friend was a manager there for years(just recently quit) and my brother used to frequent that store alot. He actually turned me on to Smoothie King. I go to the one in Towson.
I've forgotten the names of the smoothies, it's been awhile since I've been there. The Smoothie King near U of M? My brother's best friend was a manager there for years(just recently quit) and my brother used to frequent that store alot. He actually turned me on to Smoothie King. I go to the one in Towson.

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Yup, U of M. I just found out this weekend that at our campus recreation center they sell smoothies by Freshens and you can get a Booster by MetRX and they have a SOy Protein Booster, Protein Booster, and others that I've forgot. Oh they have a website
I love drinking Ensure and Boost Plus although I never thought of drinking them for my hair. A 24 ct case of Ensure at Costco is about $25-27 bucks--I think. If you're have access to Sam's Club you buy a case of Boost there for about the same amount. Also check out for home delivery of Ensure with High Protein by the case.
I get my protein shakes from Vitamin Shoppe. I also get low carb stuff from there and found them to be much cheaper.

formeer GNC customer
The Ensure has about 300 calories in a bottle I believe (I was just looking for a tasty shake yesterday because I skip meals and that's bad bad bad). I ended up getting Boost with high protein since I eat like a meal a day (breakfast and lunch are just too early to me for some reason but I eat like a pig at dinner). I tasted it today (chocolate) and it tastes okay (way better than the one protein mix I tried). 13g of protein. 7 bucks for a 6-pack. I think Ensure was 8 or 9 bucks and they have very comparable nutritional values.

Ensure tastes better but hey I live on a college students budget.