protein sensitivity


Well-Known Member
Are any of you protein sensitive? How do you all deal with this and get protein for your hair? My hair hates coconut oil, mane and tail, Olive oil. Just totally acts up.
My hair doesn't like protein even the smallest amount makes my hair act up. I still do light treatments followed with moisturizing deep condition and that does the trick. Shescentit has products with light enough protein.
When I first started using Protein the result was dry hard hair. But once I figured out that protein treatments had to be followed by a deep conditioning treatment to restore moisture it was smooth sailing from then on. My hair loves protein. Hair is mostly protein, 90% protein or something like that if I recall correctly, so it's hard for me to imagine that my hair could not like protein. Hopefully someone will chime in and provide you with an answer.
I use a light protein treatment when my hair becomes very dry and rough, about once a month or so. I have other products that have small amount of protein in them, so I don't worry about that too much.

I don't know if my hair is protein sensitive per say (I don't know the criterion for that), however, I hate how my hair feels when I use protein treatments more than once a month. I also drink protein shakes (if that helps at all).
My hair HATES protein!

To get around it I use SAA
Use avocado and veggie oils
and stay far away from Olive oil!!!

I don't do alot of deep conditioning either...
Oh, so that's why my hair feel hard after using Vatika and I didn't care for Aubrey something something when I was relaxed. It also makes my scalp itch. So does Almond OIl.
My fine hair hates those hard protein treatments like most of the redken extreme line and joico kpac deep penetrating reconstructor. My hair has broken off, yes even following a moisturizing conditioner like joico intense hydrator which was recommended to use with the kpac. I just stay away from the hard proteins.

The only protein products that don't cause me problems are redken extreme anti-snap and joico liquid reconstructor, which also helps detangle, and is specifically made for fine hair. Both are leave-ins.
My natural hair didn't care for a lot of types of protein only GPB worked well. But now that im relaxed my hair loves protein
I am protein sensitive and I try to keep away from it. I use henna on a regular basis and works just fine for me. I do light ones now once a month and it has been working out ok but I try not to over do it and I make sure I deep condition every time. I deep condition like twice a week.

If you feel your hair needs protein search for products that are balancing. AO GPB is a good one. No others come to mind at the moment, and I'm sure someone else will chime in with recs. Silk Protein products are good, they draw moisture to your hair, I believe. But even if you try these and don't like then give it a miss for a little while longer.
I use Ion Effective Care Treatment (red writing and white bottle top). It's 100% Vegan - vegetable not animal protein. My hair tolerates this just fine. I've been having shedding and breakage issues. I've used this once a week for the past month and the breakage has stopped and the shedding has decreased significantly. I do stay on top of my moisture though.,default,pd.html?cm_vc=SEARCH,default,pd.html

Make sure and check the ingredients, they have another one that's in a similar bottle, but it has keratin in it. A big no-no for me.

my hair does not like hard core protein. it also does better with vegetable or silk proteins.

i cant use anything protein in it daily. only once a week. which means my daily moisturizers can't have anything that is a protein or resembles a protein (doesn't like glycerin either but thats a different story).
My hair hates it too--but it needs it. I think for protein sensitive hair the duration for how long the protein is left on is important. If the directions are for 2mins maybe leave it on for only one. Also important is finding the type of protein your hair will accept. Wheat germ is a killer for me. too much and it breaks.

Mine was breaking the last few weeks and I knew I was moisture overloaded (my hair is fine AND porous so its easy to go over on either end) and the AO GPB wasnt enough. I tried yogurt and it wasnt enough. Then oat protein. No enough. Then egg. It stopped breaking after working it in for just under 2 mins.

So it is important, yes... but finding the right types and how long your hair can tolerate it is key.
Thank you ladies for the suggestions! I'll be looking into them today. what are you all using for moisture?
the moisture conditioners i use are ao white camelia and honeysuckle rose.

daily i do the LOC method (liquid, oil, cream).
I was using Sally's Cure Care conditioner (hydrolyzed keratin) very often - everyday or every other day. That became drying, so I switched to once a week and that seemed to be ok.

I figure I need protein whenever my hair becomes rough, drawn-up and breaks. It's hard to tell, though.
I'm very protein sensitive and I swear by Curl Junkie Repair me. Its moisturizing yet gives me the shot of protein I need, good stuff (for me at least). I just bought Vitale olive oil hair mayonnaise would this be considered a hard core or light protein? I bought this one because I need a cheap alternative which is just as good when I can't catch a sale for curl junkie.
I am protein sensitive as well and found it hard to retain length. I tried most suggestions, even AO GPB, all followed by a moisturizing conditioner but all left my hair super hard and out of balance.

For the last year, once a month maybe two, I've used FusionOfCultures Hair Smoothie and it has done wonders for my hair. Only once did I suffer from protein overload and that's because I went under the steamer with it. No ma'am, this treatment for me, works just fine w/o the aid of a steamer.

Check it out:
My hair doesn't like protein even the smallest amount makes my hair act up. I still do light treatments followed with moisturizing deep condition and that does the trick. Shescentit has products with light enough protein.

exactly !!!!

you know I just made a post somewhere saying I could not remember why I thought my hair was protein sensitive and reading this thread made me remember :spinning: my hair hates coconut and avocado oils, which is why I figured my hair was protein sensitive.

I also use SSI proteins along with aphogee 2 minute and CJ repair me followed with a moisturizing DC ... this works well for me too !!!!
Thank you ladies for the suggestions! I'll be looking into them today. what are you all using for moisture?


In order of preference

hairveda citrinillah
Silk Dreams vanilla silk
Silk Dreams chocolate bliss/Purabody chocolate smoothie
Shea Moisture purification mask
karens body beautiful luscious hair mask

Leave Ins
HairVeda whipped ends hydration/moist 24-7/red tea LI
HairVeda Whipped clouds
HQS greaseless moisture