Protein Queens: Challenge


Well-Known Member
After much activity on this board, I have decided that there should a thread for protein dependent ladies. Contrary to all of this information about avoiding protein, using it sparingly, etc., I have found that I need it every wash day and almost every other day. I have noticed less breakage also. So I will be continuing frequent protein use in the future. If you would like to join, answer the following and if you are focused on growth, perhaps a starting pic.

Hair (type, length, porosity, density)
What kind of proteins will you be using?
What products containing protein will you be using?
How often will you use it?
If you currently have a protein rich regimen, how do you feel it has benefitted you?

Please tag others as you see fit or tag yourself.
@Froreal3 @Shay72 @IDareT'sHair

I will post in a little bit.
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Hair: Type 4c crown, sides and back 4a/4c mixture
Medium density, low-medium porosity, fine strands
What type of proteins will you be using?
I will be using various hydrolized proteins (wheat, keratin, silk amino acids etc., with a focus on hydrolized keratin), also bamboo infusions for strengthening
What products containing protein will you be using?
Right now I will be adding a bit of Colorful Neutral Protein Filler to some of my DCs to use them up, but my main go to DCs will eventually be SSI Repair and Restore Mask, APB Bamboo Strengthening Mask.
As my leave in, I will be using Joico's Reconstructor. I will also be trying other various protein based spray leave ins as I come across them. I will be seeking leave ins that are keratin based, like the Joico.
How often will you use it?
I plan on using the leave in three times a week before my cream based moisturizers after I cleanse (I cleanse on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays with full wash days on Sundays).
I plan on using protein based DCs once a week on my full wash day.

While I am not necessarily tracking length, I am curious to see how much length my crown in my Mohawk will get :scratchchin:.
Hair (type, length, porosity, density) Between APL and BSL, normal to high porosity, Medium to low density
What kind of proteins will you using?
I will be using hydrolyzed keratin, and silk amino acids.
What products containing protein will you be using? Xcel21 and Infusium 23
How often will you use it? Every wash day
If you currently have a protein rich regimen, how do you feel it has benefitted you? My regimen isn’t protein rich yet, but it will be.
Hair (type, length, porosity, density): 4B, grazing MBL, medium/high, lowish

What kind of proteins will you using?: Hydrolyzed keratin mostly. If there's wheat protein or any others, those are fine too. I want to use products with a high/strong concentration of hydrolyzed keratin weekly. Then when I moisturize, I want a lower concentration of the keratin in my moisturizer (I only moisturize once during the week after wash week).

What products containing protein will you be using? Colorful Neutral Protein Filler, APB Cupuacu Avocado with hydrolyzed keratin, APB Pineapple Cupuacu Styling cream with hydrolyzed keratin, Joico Moisture Recovery Balm, Redken Extreme Anti Snap.

How often will you use it? Once a week will DC with Colorful Neutral Protein Filler underneath Joico Moisture Recovery Balm. Will use Redken Anti Snap as a leave in, then moisturize with the APB Cupuacu Avocado (w/added keratin). I will seal with whipped shea butter.

If you currently have a protein rich regimen, how do you feel it has benefitted you? So far I've been incorporating the Colorful for about two months. It's made my ends less prone to breakage and shedding, as my strands are on the finer side. When I rinse it out, my hair feels strong and moisturized as well with the Joico, which also has a bit of hydrolyzed keratin, but in a concentration that is moisturizing. It is pointless for me to use non protein conditioners and dcs unless I put a protein like Colorful underneath.
Protein is imperative for the health of my hair!

Type 4a/3c
Length: Short about 5 inches all over (BC'ed earlier this year for the 2nd time and kept short all summer)
Porosity: High
Density: Very dense with fine strands

What kind of proteins will you using? Neutral Protein Filler. I spray it undiluted on my hair after cleansing/before conditioning.

What products containing protein will you be using? I mainly use protein deep conditioners. Mielle Organics Babassu Oil & Mint Deep Conditioner
Camille Rose Alage Renew Deep Conditioner
I also like Joico Moisture Recovery Balm with Neutral Protein Filler added.
APB's protein refresher spray.

How often will you use it? Every wash day. I use the refresher spray every other day.

If you currently have a protein rich regimen, how do you feel it has benefitted you? It has kept my hair on my head. :lachen:

I will also be experimenting using Olaplex #2 before applying Neutral protein Filler to see if it increases my elasticity and strength.
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I agree, I recently found out my hair THRIVES on protein. It loves it. And the comment you made about stagnant growth I agree with. I have many ladies on here say their hair was breaking off but once they realized that their hair loved lots of protein it thrived. Im happy it seems like you found something that will help you get to your next hair goal. Good Luck!!! :)

Thank you @shanelallyn30 ! I have tried everything else with stagnant growth retention, I think this might a winner (I do want my top to grow out some) It just makes sense.
Hair (type, length, porosity, density) 4b on the edges and 4a everywhere else, low porosity, fine, low-medium density, APL

What kind of proteins will you using? different hydrolyzed proteins, but keratin is my favorite

What products containing protein will you be using? Mielle Organics Babassu Oil Mint Deep Conditioner and Curl Junkie Repair Me are my main two for 2018

How often will you use it? At least once per week in my deep conditioner

If you currently have a protein rich regimen, how do you feel it has benefitted you? When I stick to using protein regularly, I have significantly less breakage and hair at the bottom of my shower
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This is one challenge I would like to try.

Hair (type, length, porosity, density)
3C, APL(?), normal porosity, low density.

What kind of proteins will you using?
Every one I can lay my hands on along with any additives that behave like proteins, e.g., keratin, collagen, wheat, soy, oat, quinoa, baobab, amino acids, molasses, rice water, sea kelp, algae, etc.

What products containing protein will you be using?
Only protein-rich DCs and balancing DCs, in addition to reconstructors/treatments.

How often will you use it?
Approximately every other week.

If you currently have a protein rich regimen, how do you feel it has benefited you?
Increasing my hair’s protein intake has definitely made it stronger; it’s less fragile and I experience less breakage.
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Hair (type, length, porosity, density)
A mix of type 4, APL/MBL(?), high porosity and low to medium density.

What kind of proteins will you using?
As many as I can find. I think next year I'm going to be branching out to different proteins

What products containing protein will you be using?
Aphogee, Affirm 5 in 1 (will be using up, probably won't repurchase), Neutral Protein Filler for sure. I want to try the Dudleys and maybe buy some raw proteins to mix into my DC.

How often will you use it?
Approximately every other week or at some point every wash day.

If you currently have a protein rich regimen, how do you feel it has benefited you?
Increased elasticity and strength. My hair is super fine and I know it wouldn't have made it this far without help.
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Here is a list of the things I'll be using in 2018 (in no particular order, of course):

Hairveda Methi Set (Step 1)
Sarenzo's Quinoa & Bamboo Protein DC'er
Hydratherma Naturals Amino Protein DC'er
Claudie's Protein Renew
Claudie's Reconstructor
SSI's Okra Reconstructor Emer.gencee
L'Anza Reconstructor
E'tae Caramel Rx
Mission:Condition Caramel Treatment
Cream & Coco's Spun Sugar Reconstructor
Mega-Tek (Original)
I'm sure I'm missing quite a few things-will be back to update if necessary.:look:
Hair (type, length, porosity, density): 4a except the back, which is mostly 3c, HiPo, high density, mix of fine-thick strands.
What kind of proteins will you be using? Mostly keratin, but all kinds.
What products containing protein will you be using? Oh, a mix. I could list things all day, but anything that doesn't come with protein will have neutral protein filler added unless I happened to NOT want protein for some reason, like after a hard protein treatment. I also henna, so on those days, I skip keratin and use lighter protein conditioners, like hydrolyzed wheat or silk proteins.
How often will you use it? Typically weekly (i.e. my normal wash frequency).
If you currently have a protein rich regimen, how do you feel it has benefitted you? Fewer split ends/SSKs/midshaft splits, less breakage. My overall hair health is much better since beginning regular protein use a couple of years ago.
I agree, I recently found out my hair THRIVES on protein. It loves it. And the comment you made about stagnant growth I agree with. I have many ladies on here say their hair was breaking off but once they realized that their hair loved lots of protein it thrived. Im happy it seems like you found something that will help you get to your next hair goal. Good Luck!!! :)
Thank you @shanelallyn30 ! I have tried everything else with stagnant growth retention, I think this might a winner (I do want my top to grow out some) It just makes sense.
Same. I hear you on the stagnant growth. The first year of my hair journey my hair grew from like shoulder length to BSB in a matter of a little over a year. After that, that mess hardly retained anything! Very frustrating because I was doing my regimen faithfully, weaved up, hid my ends, wigged up, dced weekly etc. I had a Komaza analysis done and they said my hair needed a lot more protein so they suggested using their protein treatment every two weeks without a moisturizing dc to follow up. I did that consistently and saw a little progress but not much. Then I stopped using that as consistently. But it wasn’t until i started using the Colorful, which is pretty much keratin on a weekly basis that I began to see less little strands coming off of my ends when I twisted my hair or even when I moisturized and sealed.

I also discovered that the presence of protein helps to bind moisture to the hair. Also I found out that even though a product may say hydrolyzed wheat protein or even keratin, it depends on the concentration and presence of other moisturizing ingredients that make that product either a strong protein or a weak protein/moisturizing conditioner. For example, Joico Recovery Balm is uber moisturizing despite having the hydrolyzed keratin in it due to the concentration and the presence of moisturizing agents.

So for a protein sensitive person, it might be strengthening or a little too much protein but for someone like me it’s straight moisturizing. The Colorful on the other hand is straight protein, which is clearly what my hair needs. I layer both because it helps maintain a good balance I feel.

I will be experimenting with using conditioners with added hydrolized keratin for my mid week moisturize and seal. That way even though the keratin will be among moisturizing agents, I will be getting a mid week boost of it before wash day while simultaneously moisturizing my hair.
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Hair (type, length, porosity, density)
4a, APL, low porosity, fine hair

What kind of proteins will you be using?

All types from strong to more gentle ones

What products containing protein will you be using?

Hydratherma Natural Amino Treatment
Kerastase Premier Soin pre poo
Affirm 1 in 5 Reconstructor
SachaJuan Hair Repair
Hairfinity Amino Strengthening Masque
Hairfinity Leave In
Aphogee Pro Vitamin Leave in
Nexxus Polydemic Emergency Reconstructor

How often will you use it?

Every two weeks, although I'll probably use the leave ins once per week
The Nexxus is used rarely, every 12 weeks or so

If you currently have a protein rich regimen, how do you feel it has benefitted you?

It has totally strengthened my hair and it's enabled me to retain rather than breaking off all the time
Hair (type, length, porosity, density)
I have 3C - 4A, fine hair with normal/high porosity and low/medium density.

What kind of proteins will you be using?
I try to use the entire gamut of proteins - hydrolyzed keratin, wheat, silk, etc.

What products containing protein will you be using?
I use:
Megatek (considered a "strong" protein) conditioner
Colorful Neutral Protein (added to any conditioners I have on hand)
Liquid silk amino acids (added to many conditioners as a booster)
Hydratherma Naturals Amino Protein Conditioner
Joico Liquid Reconstructor
Joico KPak Reconstructor Conditioner
Collagen gelatin mixed into a basic conditioner as a "strong" & cheap protein conditioner

How often will you use it?
I regularly cycle my products and usage. But aim for at least twice a month alternated with henna glosses.

If you currently have a protein rich regimen, how do you feel it has benefited you?
My fine hair loves regular, weekly protein usage. I see my best growth periods when I regularly use protein balanced with moisturizing conditioners.

Here is a link to one of the best articles I've read about protein and conditioners. :

Basic about all of the different types of protein:

How to make a gelatin based protein treatment:
I'm here for this thread, protein solved all my hair issues.

Hair (type, length, porosity, density)
4b/a, past apl?, high porosity, high-density medium strands

What kind of proteins will you be using?
Hydrolyzed Keratin, Silk amino acids & Henna(technically not a protein but it's acting like one for my hair). I've also tried wheat, vegekeratin, baobab, quinoa & collagen I haven't found any added benefits from these. I plan to try hydrolyzed elastin when I can find a good deal on it.

What products containing protein will you be using?
None, I buy and mix my own. Most products don't have enough protein, are too expensive to use regularly, or there are too many added fillers.

How often will you use it?
Weekly on wash day, I used to use protein midweek as well but, since using henna protein only on wash day has been enough.

If you currently have a protein-rich regimen, how do you feel it has benefitted you?
It has to be in my regimen, if I don't use protein then I might as well not do anything else. Honestly, my hair will be dried out and hard.
I'm here for this thread, protein solved all my hair issues.

Hair (type, length, porosity, density)
4b/a, past apl?, high porosity, high-density medium strands

What kind of proteins will you be using?
Hydrolyzed Keratin, Silk amino acids & Henna(technically not a protein but it's acting like one for my hair). I've also tried wheat, vegekeratin, baobab, quinoa & collagen I haven't found any added benefits from these. I plan to try hydrolyzed elastin when I can find a good deal on it.

What products containing protein will you be using?
None, I buy and mix my own. Most products don't have enough protein, are too expensive to use regularly, or there are too many added fillers.

How often will you use it?
Weekly on wash day, I used to use protein midweek as well but, since using henna protein only on wash day has been enough.

If you currently have a protein-rich regimen, how do you feel it has benefitted you?
It has to be in my regimen, if I don't use protein then I might as well not do anything else. Honestly, my hair will be dried out and hard.
Where do you get your hydrolyzed keratin and how do you make your stuff with it?
I've just added some NPF and some silk amino acid powder I just randomly found (and it may not even be good but idk) to the last of my SM hold and shine spray. I think I'm going to invest in a protein leave-in spray sometime next year. Interested to see how this combo works with my fenugreek oil or if I'm going to have to apply this with the loc method.
Hair (type, length, porosity, density): 3abc/4a; SL (back/sides)/ NL(crown); High Porosity; medium density (fine)

What kind of proteins will you be using? Silk, keratin, wheat, biotin

What products containing protein will you be using?
Aphogee 2 step (heavy)
Bask&Bloom Brahmi (medium)
Keravada HydroMax Cowash (very light)
Keravada Caramel Souffle (very light)
Jason's Biotin Conditioner (light)
Macadamia Professional Nourishing Moisture (light protein)
Chi Keratin Silk Infusion (light)
If I have forgotten any products, or find something worth using, I will update this list.

How often will you use it?
Very light protein's are used 2-3x/week
Light and meduim protein's used weekly
Heavy protein's are used once a month.

If you currently have a protein rich regimen, how do you feel it has benefited you? Protein has given my hair balance. I no longer have little pieces of hair breaking off every time I manipulate my hair. Now I just need to work on my shedding.
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