Protein overload question???????????


New Member
Hi Ladies:wave:
I just want to say my hair has been growing thick and long since I have join this site which wasnt even a year ago:clapping:, but any who I need your help b4 I make this next move. If I use the hair mayonaise as a prepoo b4 everywash once a week will that give me a protein overload because of to much protein?

From my experince ..indeed it will since then I've learnt about protein and moisture balance. So I use protein once every four weeks.
Well your case might be a bit different since you're probably wearing hijab (grin). Do you tie your hair up underneath or just let it hang? If you tie it up, I'd say watch the protein because of breakage, if you let it hang loose, maybe you won't have an overload. I might do this "cholesterol" as a pre poo 2x a month since that's not a heavy duty protein....the heavy stuff (ie Aphogee) is a different story,