Protein & Moisture Ingredients


New Member
It might be a really obvious question but what are the key ingredients I can look for myself to be able to decipher whether a product is a moisture shampoo or a protein conditioner??

How can I say, "my hair loves protein!" If I don't know that the product I'm using IS protein.

So how can I get the balance right when I'm depending on someone else clarifying for me whether the conditioner is a lot protein, a little protein or hydrating & moisturising??

I've learned the clue isn't always in the name.
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A lot of the products created for natural hair will specify that it is protein free...i know there are some ingredients that have protein like avocado oil i believe...i don't normally check for anything other than the actual word protein though :-)
Okay, for me, I know when a product has a lot of protein when it has said protein within the first 5 ingredients. Anything within the 6th-7th ingredients, I consider it to be a balancing conditioner. After the 7th, I tend to lean on the side of mostly moisture based depending again on ingredients and placement. Typically a good protein conditioner should have:

- Hydrolyzed Keratin/Collagen/Silk/Wheat/Milk/etc.
- Silk/Keratin Amino Acids
- Panthenol

Now for moisture, this can be debated but I generally look for:

- Water (Duh, no one can argue this. :lol: In 99% of cases, this should be the #1 ingredient. I can only think of 1 brand that skips water as it's first ingredient and still makes a very hydrating product. Anyway, this should be the first ingredient.)
- Oils (Coconut/Olive/Avocado oils in particular since they penetrate, having the ability to nourish hair from within. Other oils may help provide a sleek appearance and seal moisture in without dehydrating.)
- Glycerin (Not everyone will agree, it has the ability to draw moisture to the hair but also draw moisture out of the hair and onto itself depending on humidity and whatnot. Test it out and see if you like it.)
- Cetearyl/Cetyl/Stearyl Alcohol (Don't be scared just because of the word "alcohol" these are safe, non-drying, fatty alcohols that are derived from oils to moisturize hair. Also used to give a product its creamy consistency.)

Iffy ingredients:

- Silicons (Basically any cone is heavily debated. It's like a double edged sword, it can lock in moisture within the hair strand and keep your hair sleek but can also lock OUT moisture and cause build-up. Some silicons are easier to get out of the hair than others. Any ingredient with "cone" at the end is a silicon.)

* * *

It's important to remember that not all moisturizing ingredients or all proteins will be amazing for your hair. Just like all silicons can be seen as positive or negative depending on the person. You have to really kind of test out what works and what doesn't for YOUR hair. Also, anything in excess is bad, too much moisture = mushy hair, too much protein = dry, brittle hair. Hopefully I helped.
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