Protein & Moisture... Do I need 2 of everything?


Well-Known Member
I've been posting a little more lately not because I want to be a pest but I'm finally getting my staples and reggie in order so I don't want any "new" setbacks. So my question is do I need a set of moisturizing products and a set of protein?
I use and love: AOHSR for dc
GTTT poo
Gio D Le for my leave in
Wheat Germ Oil and Melted Shea for my sealing

Is that too much protein for a natural?

If I do need a whole set of moisture products
how does this sound as far as moisture goes?

Jessicurl Gentle Lather or Optimum Care Moisture Dandruff Poo
Jessicurl Weekly DC
Knot Today Leave In (or my own water, aloe vera, and rosewater mix)
Coconut Oil and Melted Shea to seal

I also use Hawaiian SIlky as a Moisturizer and JBCO on my temples

If my idea for a moisturizing set doesn't sound good I'm open to suggestions but I am trying to be cone free.

If I don't need a moisturizing one how do I keep from getting protein overload?
I had it before I found you all and it gave me a thick head full of mega breakage so it was bittersweet.
It's hard for me to give advice on this topic because everyone's hair is different. I am natural, too. But I can't tell you the last time I did a protein treatment. My hair doesn't seem to need a lot of protein. Now there could be protein in some of the products that I use and I don't realize it. People talk about their hair getting mushy which is a sign of too much moister. This hasn't happened to me. I would limit the protein until you know when your hair needs it. Good luck and HHJ.
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I wouldn't say you need two of everything, you will eventually learn what changes your hair goes through and how to respond to it.

And as far as giovanni/aubrey organics are concerned, it might not be too much protein, but they may be the "wrong type" of protein for your hair.

...Just like shea butter may be the "wrong type" of product for your hair. I say that because just when you think your hair has a "wow" factor, you may end up using a different product or finish your hair differently and your hair will react in a way you didn't anticipate.

You are asking all the right questions and I hope you are keeping a log, it really goes a long way.

(BTW...thanks for the post, it reminded me I need to reup on GPB)
why buy separate products if you don't have to, get some protein filler or saa and add it to your poos, leave-ins, and condishes for protein, then order some protein strengthner from komaza care and do that every 4-8 weeks if you feel you need something hardcore, i think this will be more than enough.

ao hsr is moisture based not protein, i don't believe in buying tons of product, just watch your hair and see what it does, as everyone is slighlty different...its a myth that naturals need less protein my hair loves it and can't get enough.
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