Protein/Moisture Balance (Relaxed Suggestions)


Instagram: adaybyjay
I'm struggling with determining protein/moisture balance. :hammer:

What are some simple tried and true steps to keep protein/moisture balanced?

I full understand all hair responds differently. However, I'm looking for "generally speaking" type of suggestions. I promise I won't hold you to it.

Thanks --
I'm not relaxed but why don't you try alternating each week b/w a lite/mild protein dc & moisturizing dc. Maybe doing a hard protein every 6-8 weeks and during b/w those hard protein dc doing moisturizing dc's.
What I use to do is to Aphogee 2 minute and after Silk elements afterwards. Kept my hair balanced

Now I use Nexxus Emergencee monthly, Aphogee 2 step as needed when my hair needs a protein boost.

I use the Aphogee 2 minute maybe every other week, and really just use a nice DC weekly. My hair seems to be on point.

If I feel it is thrown off sometimes I clarify, (then what ever my issue was I do the heavy opposite) Like if it was heavy protein, after clarifying I'd put a light protein and heavy DC. IF it was moisture after clarifying I'd put a heavy Protein and a light DC.
What I use to do is to Aphogee 2 minute and after Silk elements afterwards. Kept my hair balanced

Now I use Nexxus Emergencee monthly, Aphogee 2 step as needed when my hair needs a protein boost.

I use the Aphogee 2 minute maybe every other week, and really just use a nice DC weekly. My hair seems to be on point.

If I feel it is thrown off sometimes I clarify, (then what ever my issue was I do the heavy opposite) Like if it was heavy protein, after clarifying I'd put a light protein and heavy DC. IF it was moisture after clarifying I'd put a heavy Protein and a light DC.
What's going on to know it's in need of a protein boost (is the hair too soft/mushy?).

What's going on for you to know you need moisture (is your hair too hard?).

What's good Diva!!

When I first started my journey, Sistaslick's articles were/are a great foundation for me. She really breaks down moisture/protein balancing here:

Hope this helps. Oh, and check out her fotki too:
Hey Chas, I read Slicks articles before. They are quite helpful. :yep:
well, since i use scurl and care free curl ALOT, i use aphogee two step vevy often! and every week i dc with aphogee two min with ors. i can use protein everyday and not get protein overload. hair is always just right.
So far I think I've perfected my balance.

For starters I don't DC every week, I do it every other week and use a leave-in afterwards. On the weeks that I DC I use a light protein.

Now on the weeks I don't DC I simply wash my hair and apply a leave-in.

I've been performing wet tests and my hair when wet has that perfect stretch without breaking.

I spray Chi Keratin Mist daily before my moisturizer and so far that seems to be working.
lol thanks! i dont understand it either, it seems that nothing ever really goes wrong with my hair:look:

i just combed my whole head and only 3 hairs came out :look:

i think it just likes to be with me :look:
hey you, i'm getting jealous of your hair perfection. can you fedex or ups me some?

So far I think I've perfected my balance.

For starters I don't DC every week, I do it every other week and use a leave-in afterwards. On the weeks that I DC I use a light protein.

Now on the weeks I don't DC I simply wash my hair and apply a leave-in.

I've been performing wet tests and my hair when wet has that perfect stretch without breaking.

I spray Chi Keratin Mist daily before my moisturizer and so far that seems to be working.
What exactly is a wet test?