Protein In Hair Products Used On Kids?


Well-Known Member

So I've been basically using products not meant for kids on my toddlers hair. I make sure they are not full of herbs and things. Like I use the obia naturals leave in spray which doesn't have anything exotic in it and I also use the cammile naturals twisting butter. It works well to keep her curls defined.

As far as shampoo, I'm not a big shampoo person because all of them dry my hair out. I recently found one that didn't but it's got all sorts of herbs in it so I can't use it on my daughters hair. So on her hair I have been using the jessicurls gentle lather shampoo ( sulfate free) and then I was using elasta qp moisturizing shampoo ( sulfate a). I was using those two because that's what I had around. But now I want to get some shampoo meant solely for her hair but so many shampoos, even ones that are meant for babies have proteins in them. I've been looking online for like 3 hours and I'm getting frustrated. I like to use mostly natural products because I feel like it's better for her overall health. I feed her an organic diet, use natural cleaning products etc. I try to keep it pretty green. Some chemicals in the hair products are ok but nothing too crazy.

I'm also looking for a cleansing conditioner to use between washes and they all have protein in them too. I have one cammile Rose cleansing conditioner but I'm not too wild about it so won't be repurchasing it. It's more like a shampoo for real rather than a cleansing conditioner/cream. I had you ladies analyzed the ingredients and that was the conclusion.

I don't want to put all this extra stuff in her hair because I also don't want to cause any damage, so I like products with simple ingredients for her. She's not quite two yet and and I just feel like if I experiment with these exotic ingredients I'll damage her hair or scalp. So what's the verdict on proteins in kids products?