Protein Diet for Hair Growth


New Member
I can't find the post now but I swear that I read something about a high protein diet being good for hair growth. I think that cottage cheese was on the list so me being a fool, I ran out and went crazy buying cottage cheese. After one bite, I realized that I'm not a fan of cottage cheese at all! Any other suggestions for foods high in protein? I know shrimp is one, but I'm on a budget. Need somethin I can eat/drink daily on the cheaper side.
I can't find the post now but I swear that I read something about a high protein diet being good for hair growth. I think that cottage cheese was on the list so me being a fool, I ran out and went crazy buying cottage cheese. After one bite, I realized that I'm not a fan of cottage cheese at all! Any other suggestions for foods high in protein? I know shrimp is one, but I'm on a budget. Need somethin I can eat/drink daily on the cheaper side.

You can look under the threads I've started and you will find a lil something. My hair grows a good bit when I drink and ingest protein consistently!
yes, I agree with WhipEffectz1 about the Muscle Milk. It tastes pretty good too. Make sure you are working out though so you wont put on the extra pounds.
I just saw muscle milk for the first time today. So it tastes good? Do you take it as a meal supplement?

Yeah, well I like Banana cream better than chocolate, strawberry, or any of the other flavors they have. Sometimes I use it as a meal just depends. I also drink boost sometimes. I also use it when I work out.
Thanks! I'm going to look out for it this week. I'm getting back on my gym grind so hopefully it will help with getting my body back on track, on top of the hair growth.
I can't find the post now but I swear that I read something about a high protein diet being good for hair growth. I think that cottage cheese was on the list so me being a fool, I ran out and went crazy buying cottage cheese. After one bite, I realized that I'm not a fan of cottage cheese at all! Any other suggestions for foods high in protein? I know shrimp is one, but I'm on a budget. Need somethin I can eat/drink daily on the cheaper side.

If I were down in So. Cal, I would take the cottage cheese off your hands. I really like it, and eat it plain. It might be helpful to put peaches, fruit cocktail, or salsa on top. If you can handle it that way, at least you won't waist the money you spent on it.

Other good, and cheap, protein sources are nuts, beans, and soy.
If I were down in So. Cal, I would take the cottage cheese off your hands. I really like it, and eat it plain. It might be helpful to put peaches, fruit cocktail, or salsa on top. If you can handle it that way, at least you won't waist the money you spent on it.

Other good, and cheap, protein sources are nuts, beans, and soy.
I think I need to try it plain too. I did one of those cottage cheese doubles and I wasn't feeling the sweet & cottage cheese. I never was one for liking to mix sweet and salty tastes at the same time so that might be the culprit.

OT but where in nor cal do you live? I'm trying to move up there late 08, early 09.
I second the tuna, salmon, etc. chicken. I have whey protein powder too, but I sometimes get the Boost High Protein shakes already made if I'm on the run and don't have time to whip out the blender.
I eat plenty of beef, chicken, rice and beans. I used to drink protein shakes when I was little, might go back to that. I also eat protein bars, the Snickers one and the Power Bar vanilla yogurt are pretty good too.
If you get the muscle milk get the muscle milk light it has half the calories. Or you could just eat chicken, eggs, milk, soy milk, etc.
i go the easy route and eat a lot of egg whites (boiled)... gives me an extra protein boost without making me have to do too much extra work...
I'm on a protein diet to make the most out of the fall growth spurt. I'm including lots of beans, lots of fish, sadines, some chicken and meat, eggs and cheese into my diet. I did this last year all I gained alot of inches in a short period of time.

I'll see if I can find the thread.
i go the easy route and eat a lot of egg whites (boiled)... gives me an extra protein boost without making me have to do too much extra work...

What about the egg yolks? I eat eggs for just about anything: scrambled or fried eggs for breakfast, hard boiled eggs for my salad, hard boiled eggs for my tuna.......Are the egg yolks not good to eat for protein?
What about the egg yolks? I eat eggs for just about anything: scrambled or fried eggs for breakfast, hard boiled eggs for my salad, hard boiled eggs for my tuna.......Are the egg yolks not good to eat for protein?

the yolks has some protein.. but it also has the fat, cholesterol and other stuff that i'm not trying to eat.. so i eat all of the egg pretty rarely...
During my study in nutrition I learned that the body has to work very hard to get to the point where it can actually benefit from meat have to break the protein down to amino acids which is actually what your body needs and uses to build muscle and tissues such as skin, hair & nails. Eating an excess of meat can lead to several health problems plus, you loose a lot of that protein in your urine. A more useful & healthier option for us would be to take amino acids....its less stress on you digestive system, liver & kidneys, no harmful drug traces that most meats have now & no mercury contamination which is in, if not all, most fish...AND your body is able to use them immediately making for much quicker results. Bodybuilders take them so as not to put so much stress on their kidneys because they need a ton of protein for muscle building. HF37 (hair formula 37) is mostly amino acids, which is why I believe it has been so successful for people who were able to stick with it. There's a thread about it and I think the problem for most people who tried it was that there were too many vitamin pills to take each day throughout the day. But it gives you a constant flow of amino acids. Just wanted to share that, hope it helps:yep::wink2:
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I drink chocolate or almond high protein smoothies from smoothie king at least 3 times a week.

The high protein smoothie comes in five flavors: almond mocha, banana, chocolate, lemon, pineapple.

The description from the menu:
The smoothie is packed with protein and designed for people who want more from their smoothie. Contains a balance of protein, carbs, and unsaturated fats.

Sometimes I get the joint and tissue repair enhancer which contains MSM