Protein Advice Needed


Well-Known Member
I'm a natural 3b/3c, and I STAY with a moisturizer in my hair. I start the day with it and end with it. I also like to keep my hair moist with a bit of water throughout the day, and I seal this in with Amla and Coconut Oil. I noticed today in the shower that my hair can be a bit stretchy, so I was wondering if I need a DUO TEX wash or a ORS Hair Mayo Pre-poo.
But also, preLHCF, i never knew about protein and never used it, and I still managed to grow hair.
I'm wondering if I should emphasize protein in my regime? I have a lot of splits and a little bit of breakage too, but not enough to cry about. I see little hairs on my hands each time I wash, and sometimes they are plastered on the shower walls. Is this normal?
Someone offer me some protein advice!!
Check out the sticky from sister slick on hair breakage. From the sound of it you might need a protein treatment. If you have the ors mayo try it after you wash for 20mins. It has moderate protein so it might be a place to start. You don't want to jump in on the strong stuff until you try some weaker ones to gauge your hairs reaction. For some people a mild on everynow and then is all they need while for others like myself, a heavy duty one is needed on a regular basis.