Protective Styling And Hair Loss


Active Member
I've been getting my hair braided into cornows and wearing a wig for the last 3 months. I've taken out the cornrows only twice in this time. What's bothering me is the grand amount of hair loss noted when unbraiding my hair. Why is it falling out? It's not strands of various lengths but clumps of hair. I do not moisturize and seal often and wondered if that was a contributing factor? I do not wash my hair regularly while in cornrows and the wig either. My hair is under a lace wig most of the time therefore there is no major friction going on. Should I be putting my hair in another protective style?

My goal is to grow my hair down my back.

I take regular Miracle green powders with nutrients. I drink 1.2-1.8L water per day. I don't eat large amounts of protein however I try to eat a healthy varied diet with good fats.

Advice most welcome. Thank you