Protective Styles


New Member

I'm curious, when wearing protective styles such as buns. How many times do you comb/brush your hair. I'm finding that I'm combing/bushing it every morning because what's done the night before is not holding up. I have to redo it and this is everyday, so I guess the best thing to do is just moisturize at night and style in the morning. Does anyone have any suggestions? In addition, I'm using a soft bristle brush purchased from Sally's. Does anyone know if this is good or bad for your hair?

My purpose was trying to go w/o combing or brushing my hair for at least 2 days.
It really depends on my morning plans - sometimes, I work out in the mornings and shower after. That means I have to restyle my hair afterwords. But typically, I moisturize/seal at night, pin up my hair, and tie it down with my scarf. I try not to sleep in a bun or pony so my hair can "rest". In the morning, I'll fingercomb or gently brush into my pony/twist/bun. My edges are usually fine, but I may touch them up wiht a little gel or Beyond The Zone Stiff Head. I can't seem to give up the combing completely, but I'm learning to comb with my fingers and to be more gentle with my hair. It's a learning process....:)

What type of bristles does your brush have? Natural boar bristle brushes are much gentler on the hair than nylon/plastic bristles.
I use my fingers to "comb" my hair and detangle it between washings. If there is a really tangly knot, I will use a wide tooth comb. I try to never brush.
Question: How are you getting your hair to lay flat if you are only using your fingers. I find that my hair looks a bit messy in a bun if I only use my fingers. My brush has natural bristles.
Angel1794 said:
Question: How are you getting your hair to lay flat if you are only using your fingers. I find that my hair looks a bit messy in a bun if I only use my fingers. My brush has natural bristles.
Smoothing my hair down may take practice at first but it works. I should have said I use my hands and fingers to smooth and create all of my styles.:)
Okay so I just realized that I'm combing and brushing too much (everyday) to get the bun style... I think I will try the not-combing thing ^^