Protective Styles And Tangles


Well-Known Member
When I do protective styles like crochet braids or u-part wigs, I can't get them to last because my cornrows get so tangled and matted. My hair is relaxed, fine and a little past APL. If my hair gets even the least bit wet, the cornrows start to loosen and then comes the tangles and mats. I workout a lot and sweat in my head so it happens. I try to wash a least once a week. Even within that week, my hair (the base of the cornrows - the part close to my scalp) gets horribly tangled and it takes hours to detangle. Any advice on what I might be doing wrong and what I can do to fix it? I know the easy solution would probably be to stop wearing protective styles but if i wear my hair out, it's a mess after I workout. And I'm tired of looking like crap.
That's so strange :eek: I can't imagine that since it doesn't seem like you're talking about new growth coming in (it would be normal if this was 2-3 months in.) Also, it's hard to imagine your hair matting while braided; usually, braids keep hair from matting. If there is matting, it's after you take them down from having them in for a long time, and the shed hairs are what causes the tangles. But you're saying this can happen in only one week... Hmm....

I read a post a long time ago where a woman said she used to get extreme root tangling. What she would do is, first off, take down and work on only one braid at a a time. Then she would use water and A LOT of gel to make her hair super slippery, and that made detangling much, much easier. Maybe you should try that?
@EzrasNumberOneFan, yes, it's new growth (non-relaxed part) that's tangling. I stretch my relaxers and don't go into PS until I'm about 12 weeks post. I've never cornrowed my hair before 2 months after a relaxer touchup, so I don't know if the same thing would happen then. When I'm taking the braids down preparing to wash, I do one at a time. But if I use water, conditioner, anything water-based on my hair the new growth curls up and tangles even more! I've found it's actually better for me to detangle with an oil or on completely dry hair. I don't know, I have some weird finicky hair.
@EzrasNumberOneFan, yes, it's new growth (non-relaxed part) that's tangling. I stretch my relaxers and don't go into PS until I'm about 12 weeks post. I've never cornrowed my hair before 2 months after a relaxer touchup, so I don't know if the same thing would happen then. When I'm taking the braids down preparing to wash, I do one at a time. But if I use water, conditioner, anything water-based on my hair the new growth curls up and tangles even more! I've found it's actually better for me to detangle with an oil or on completely dry hair. I don't know, I have some weird finicky hair.

That makes so much more sense now. Okay, then how about apply the gel to dry hair? It shouldn't cause much shrinkage that way. And before you do that, stretch the unbraided hair until it's completely taut, and then gently finger detangle your roots by pulling them apart piece by piece (a few strands at a time) until all of the major knots and tangles are removed before you detangle with a comb or anything. You could probably even skip the gel if you want to completely avoid water.
Thanks! I wish I would've asked this question a couple of days ago before I spent hours detangling. :lachen: I'll be putting in some crochet braids this weekend, so I'll try this method next weekend when I take them down. Do you think aloe vera gel would work?
Thanks! I wish I would've asked this question a couple of days ago before I spent hours detangling. :lachen: I'll be putting in some crochet braids this weekend, so I'll try this method next weekend when I take them down. Do you think aloe vera gel would work?

Your so welcome! Detangling issues are the worst. Believe me, I know how it feels to have to spend hours detangling.

And no, I would try something more synthetic for the slipperiness factor. I would try wetline gel or Fantasia ic gel. Those are the only ones i can than think of since I'm not a gel user. Hope this helps.