Protective Stles?? - SL Layered


Well-Known Member
Okay ladies - question?

I am SL layered and wondering what kind of protective style I can wear?Since I'm SL layered...all may hair does not fit into a bun..and I don't want to put any stress or strain on those precious ends. So what can I do...Okay I can't do any kind braids or cornrows because of my job..and I prefer to do something with natural hair versus weave.

Any ideas??? Or did I knock 'em all out?? LOL!!
I'm in about the same situation. I don't want my hair rubbing against my clothes, but it isn't really long enough to do a messy bun or a sock bun without putting lots of stress on my ends. What I've been doing since August is a banana clip with one of those conair click clips at the top. It basically looks like a ponytail, but really the hair is in a clip. I use 4 flexirods at night after moisturizing and sealing so it has some nice curls or at least waves in it in the morning depending on the size of the rods I use. I have found though that the smaller the rods, the more tangles I get. I use the ponytail rollerset method when I have lots of ng to keep it smooth and use satin covered rollers. Maybe the flexis would still work, but I got them since my last relaxer so I haven't gone back to the satin covered ones since. It stays off the shoulders which I believe is good, I try to keep it nice and loose so I'm not stressing my edges, but the only problem is the ends are exposed to the elements. I'd love to find a way to keep the ends protected at this length without putting stress on them.
Chopsticks and hairsticks! Roll your hair into a quasi-french roll and stick that STICK into the hair. If the sides are short, use bobby pins.
^^ cosign with the hairsticks, they really help on those rushed days.

I am a UPA crackhead; I put my hair in a ponytail, braid it up and wrap it into a lil bun. Some of the ends stick out but that's okay. Then I take my UPA clip and put it over my lil braided bun. I usually take bobbypins and tuck the UPA clip ponytail under, making a lil neat bun. It's not fancy, but it's very very low maintenance, my ends are covered/protected and I'm able to workout without worrying about aesthetics.

I change the position of the bun each day so my nape/edges won't get worn out. I take it down each nite and moisturize my hair, etc.

HTH. :)
What about one frenchbraid in the back, tuck under/in the ends or maybe just braid it and use a flexi8 - these things are great.
Thanks Everyone!! I really appreciate all the advice..I will be trying ALL (lol) the see what works best and what I like best!!! I've never been past SL in my adult life and I'm trying to get over the hump!!!
I am still nl so i know this should work for you. At night I usually roll my hair with about 10 med satin covered rollers. Of course after I apply my mt and moist my ends so I can finally get away from nl. Anyway I take the rollers out moist my ends again. I also use the banana clip for a ponytail but I bend the very end of my ponytail to form a bun and secure with 1 or 2 bobby pins. That will protect your ends. Not sure if you have a bang but if so you can dress it up by wearing a bang in the front and pulling 1 small piece from each side next to your ear. Its really cute. My avatar pic is like that. I also have a pic on my album to show the back. I have no idea how to post pics on here. Hth