Protective Paranoia


I'm new to the whole protective styling kick. I mean we all rock a bun or clips now and then but to do it ALL the time is nuts to me. So, obviously I'm having a bit of a hard time but I'm committed to getting past bsl. The latest thing in my journey to send me for a loop is paranoia about other people's perceptions. I feel like screaming "oh no, honey, I got some hair up under all this but what had happened was..." And I'll admit, I was a hair snob. I'd walk around looking at people with their hair up like "why doesn't she do something with that". I've gotten some great ideas for styling on the board that are cute but still - I predominately wore my hair out before so I'm going through serious withdrawls now. I guess the lesson is not to judge people b/c one day u will be in their shoes. Just cause it's in a bun don't mean it's not done! lol
I hear you girlie. Now after joining and learning about protective styles, I look at women who wear buns and wonder if they are Nikko's cousins :lachen:.
I wore protective styles for two years, but I didn't see amazing growth. I ALLOWED stylists to trim my hair more than I should. Plus, I did not always sleep with a scarf on at night. With that said, so many women here have made great progress through buns, so I will NEVER knock protective styles on anyone.

In fact, there was a new teacher at my school who wore buns every single day. One day, when she took her hair down in March or April, everyone learned Mrs. Teacher had waist-length hair that put all the "fly girls" (and me)to shame. That is why she still had WL hair, because she kept it in her "teacher" bun daily.
I'm new to the whole protective styling kick. I mean we all rock a bun or clips now and then but to do it ALL the time is nuts to me. So, obviously I'm having a bit of a hard time but I'm committed to getting past bsl. The latest thing in my journey to send me for a loop is paranoia about other people's perceptions. I feel like screaming "oh no, honey, I got some hair up under all this but what had happened was..." And I'll admit, I was a hair snob. I'd walk around looking at people with their hair up like "why doesn't she do something with that". I've gotten some great ideas for styling on the board that are cute but still - I predominately wore my hair out before so I'm going through serious withdrawls now. I guess the lesson is not to judge people b/c one day u will be in their shoes. Just cause it's in a bun don't mean it's not done! lol

this is a great one for the "what would you want on a t-shirt" thread

hell. i'd rock it! :yep: