Protecting The Spirit & Sacredness Of The woman & Marriage From Sexual Impropriety


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Protecting The Spirit & Sacredness Of The woman & Marriage From Sexual Impropriety???

Might I first add that I am trying to approach this in a respectful manner. I want to create an open dialogue on the subject or at least receive a little feedback. For quite some time, I have wanted to discuss this with a group of women who consider themselves either Deeply Spiritual or Religious:

Does Porn (& “self service”) Hurt/Compromise the Spirit and Sacredness of the Marriage/Relation, especially the woman? Is the husband or wife hurting the Spirit of their spouse by watching such things? If so, in what way? When I say “self service”, I primarily mean men who seem to find it necessary to do it almost daily and/or even a few times a day (daily). The other needs no explanation.

Is there a place for such things in a union where one or both parties are seeking to conduct themselves with more consciousness, who want to elevate their relationship with God and live with more integrity?

When I say integrity, I am speaking of those who CHOOSE to live their lives in such an exemplary manner that they CHOOSE not to and would never comprise the Spirit and sacredness of their marriage. Anything can be justified be it porn, cheating …etc. I am speaking of those who would not consider going down that road. I am not saying that I am that person. However, I am saying that I have wanted the opportunity to discuss this with someone who lives with that kind of integrity or who is on the journey towards that. Where does such a person draw the line at what they will or will not allow into their relationship?

PM's Welcomed

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Re: Protecting The Spirit & Sacredness Of The woman & Marriage From Sexual Impropriet

Marriage is a union between (1) man and (1) woman created by GOD. When anyone else, other than the husband and wife enters into the "picture," a great sin is committed. Why? Because, when this occurs, the bond of Holy Matrimony is broken.

One cannot expect to receive a blissful marriage, blessed by GOD, while playing in the devil's backyard. Some may suggest that this and other forms of so-called entertainment, are necessary to spice up the physical act. While it may be true that not every sexual encounter between Christian married couples will always produce "bells & whistles," the fact remains that, because The LORD JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF, dwells within the husband and the wife, it is more times than not, an experience that cannot be described in words. There is no way that our Heavenly FATHER is going to give us such a beautiful thing and then make it dull, drab and boring. Our living GOD cannot be a part of anything dead. What am I saying? You havn't experienced the indescribable, soul-shaking, electrifying, volcanic, total pleasure of reaching the climatic end until you've reached with it withyour spouse. The world can boast and brag about the joys of having non-marital sex all they want to. But, I know for myself, there is no comparison!

If there are problems in this area, do the research, pray seperately and together, maybe even get some Christian counseling. Sometimes, you have to investigate how to achieve that "big bang." But, exploring can be so much fun.

Porn is of the enemy in that it destroys true intimacy, and the true love that is to be expressed only between a marital couple.

How can I truly become one with my DH if my mind is on another man, or his mind is on another woman?

"And the two shall become one."

"Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of GOD."

"Marriage is honorable and the bed un-defiled, but whore-mongers and adulters, God will judge." KJV
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Re: Protecting The Spirit & Sacredness Of The woman & Marriage From Sexual Impropriet

ladyofvirtue: Thank you for posting.

There was a good article about this subject on by a Rabbi. He had some insightful comments.
Re: Protecting The Spirit & Sacredness Of The woman & Marriage From Sexual Impropriet

i asked this question awhile back about masturbation and marriage. this is a really good topic OP! but back to the topic at hand. Ladyofvirtue is right on so many levels. i believe that masturbation, porn, strip clubs, viewing pinups, leads to a wondering eye and opens the door to temptation. a person that views such things is constantly implanting images that are outside of the marriage bed. it is like you are building yourself up for failure in a sense. your mind, body, and spirit have to be totally focused on your spouse and sexual acts can't be separate from the spouse. sex between a man and wife creates unity/oneness, and that can't happen if someone in the marriage brings things, acts or people outside in the circle. all sorts of crazy things could start happening. i'm just speaking from experience. i'm no angel and i learned the hard way about what these things could do to a marriage. i am working towards healing and being delivered from certain things that my spouse and i have allowed to enter into our marriage.