Protecting Hair at Night

Does your hair retain length from being protected at night?

  • Yes, I always protect it at night

    Votes: 115 95.0%
  • No, my hair is long without protecting it at night

    Votes: 2 1.7%
  • other-feel free to explain

    Votes: 4 3.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I voted "other" because I started last week. (satin cap).
Before I pineappled, my ends were not touching the pillow.
I voted "other" because I started last week. (satin cap).
Before I pineappled, my ends were not touching the pillow.

hi Ciccina! could you please explain a bit more about "pinappling"?

I used to sleep with a satin pillowcase and that's it and insisted that my hair was okay... until I started wrapping it at night about 6 months ago and suddenly realized that my hair wasn't growing longer on the right side, it was breaking off on the left side that I sleep on! So for me even the satin pillowcase was not enough to protect my hair. I now wrap my hair when I'm relaxing on the sofa watching TV to be safe!

Jcdlox, you raised an important concern.

as far as protecting the hair at night, i totally agree with using satin and silk, but as far as "wrapping" it at night, i'm still undecided.

i know many ladies with BSL to WL hair who have had very badly damaged edges that they specifically cite "wrapping" as the cause.
their hair grows easily, but they say it's the wrapping that breaks off their edges.

the fact that your hair was doing fine with satin UNTIL you started wrapping it caused me to think of those cases.

if you no longer wrap at night, but during the day, how do you keep your hair at night?

Recently i noticed my bonnets and wraps is causing my hair to thin around my temples and nape... is anyone having this problem?
I sleep with a scarf on for protection. I find sleeping on cotton pillows dries out my hair really bad :( also, if I wrap my hair I'm less likely to use heat and wrapping gives it a nice 'style' :D
this entire wrapping situation has prompted me to research further because my "indecison" (though i sustain the satin/silk theory) has alot to do with the fact that right now, i'm not wrapping because i cowash daily and wet baggy bun during the day.

but for those of you who are wrapping at this moment, i found this thread very useful!
it's got lot's of testimony about the effects of wrapping and well as videos and links showing the best methods.

I used to wrap my hair with a silk scarf and sleep on a silk pillowcase in case it slipped off. Now I just put on a satin bonnet, it doesn't slip off and my hair feels better in the morning.
I like to keep my hair covered wheather I am bunning or rolling my hair with flexi rods. My hair is not dried out in the morning and keeps its style, and my curls are moist and shiney. PLUS I run the risk of my face breaking out from all the oils and creams I put in my hair. Not good.

I wake up with a blemish free face and nicely done hair.

*****Would you believe I had a co-worker tell me that the reason she does not keep her head covered is because she believes that it stops the hair from growing!!!!!
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I have to say, when i go to bed without covering my hair, in the morning it is drier and more brittle... which means it's prone to breakage.

Whenever I cover my hair, I am sure that there are no pieces of broken hair on my pillow.

Same here! I can tell the difference between using the scarf and not using it. Last year I went 2-3 weeks without a scarf and I had single strand knots galore so never again! Da horrah!

*****Would you believe I had a co-worker tell me that the reason she does not keep her head covered is because she believes that it stops the hair from growing!!!!!

I'm going to take a wild guess... she's bald isn't she? LMAO
I just use one for protection and not length. I also find that it helps prevent from putting heat to my hair in the morning especially if I got a fresh hairdo wash and flat iron from the salon. I can go the entire wk-2wks and with no heat.

Same for me. Using a scarf preserves my hair so I can go 2 weeks, sometimes longer and no heat!!:grin: It also helps keep moisture in my hair longer so I don't necessarily have to moisturize everyday. If it helps with length then that's just an added bonus. Sometimes I'll keep the scarf on the entire day if I'm not going anywhere.
Same here! I can tell the difference between using the scarf and not using it. Last year I went 2-3 weeks without a scarf and I had single strand knots galore so never again! Da horrah!

I'm going to take a wild guess... she's bald isn't she? LMAO
No. Actually she has a healthy head of hair. She is APL too. She said she keeps her hair up in a ponytail (not a bun) at night and let it down during the day.
I wrap occasionally, usually after I have air-dried, just to smooth things out. I sleep on a satin pillowcase every night when I am at home. I used to wrap nightly, but I started seeing (or imagining) thinning at my edges and some breakage from wrapping too tightly, so I invested in the pillow cases.