Protecting a Straight Style w/out Wrapping


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies! I don't wear my hair straight often, but when I do I like for the style to last awhile. However, I HATE to wrap my hair at night and pretty much refuse to! Does anyone protect their straight style overnight without wrapping your hair? If so, what method do you use?
When I used to wear my hair straight alot through presses, I usually slept in a large bonnet for ma' big 'ole head.
The only way for me to keep a straight style is to wrap my hair at night or put it on rollers. Otherwise, it would be straight without a style.
You could try this. Gather your hair up like you were going to wear a low ponytail. With hair in hands twist up one time and clip it. Then use soft clips or long flat pins to secure the length. You will end up with the twisted hair fanned out and pinned upward. Then wrap with silk scarf. Hope this helps .Bonjour.
I also wear my hair straight down covered with a silk bonnet from at night. In the morning it will still be straight.
Mahalialee4 said:
You could try this. Gather your hair up like you were going to wear a low ponytail. With hair in hands twist up one time and clip it. Then use soft clips or long flat pins to secure the length. You will end up with the twisted hair fanned out and pinned upward. Then wrap with silk scarf. Hope this helps .Bonjour.

When I want to keep my hair straight, I do something similar to what Mahalialee described. However, I keep twisting the hair along the entire length, and pin it up with two large, gentle, plastic duckbill clips. I put one clip near the top of my head. The end of the twist then hangs over the center of my forehead, so I pull it over to one side and back onto my head and secure that part with the other clip. Then I cover with a satin scarf.

When I take the scarf off in the morning and comb or brush my hair out, it is straight with a slight bend on the ends (I am careful not to brush out the bend on the ends.)

I have always done this and have only tried wrapping once, because it seemed so popular on hair sites. Before I started visiting hair sites, I had never heard of wrapping, so I wanted to see what I was missing. When I tried it, the results were the same as what I described above -- straight hair. However, wrapping my hair seemed to take so much work and time to get the same effect as my usual method, which takes less than a minute. I also worried about what damaging effect the hair pins might have had on my hair. So, if you try my way or one of the other methods ladies mention in this thread, I hope it works well for you. :)
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The only way my hair will fall straight is if I wrap it at night. I have tried all or most of the techniques below, and I always have an imprint of the clips, or a kink in my hair at the nape of my neck from twisting it up to pin it. Unfortunately, they don't work for me, so if I want my hair to be straight and sleek the next day, I have to wrap it.
The only way for me to protect a straight style is by wrapping. I recall hairlove and kking posting an alternative to wrapping in their photo album.
I feel you on protecting a straight style! IMO, I’m not trying to waste all that money I just spent to get my hair done just to wrap it up all around my head and ruin the style. In order to hold up my straight styles for 2 weeks I take a silk scarf, fold it in half, and wrap it around my head. If I have bangs, I make sure I’m not flattening this area with the scarf, just protecting my hairline. Secondly, I begin taking duck bill clips (the long metal ones) and start clipping up sections of my hair so that my ends are not hanging over the scarf, or able to rub against my pillow. Finally, I just spray a light hair spray or oil sheen on before I go to bed. In the morning, all I have to do is take down the clips, fluff my hair out, and I’m good to go! HTH.
senimoni said:
Your hair looks so good. I was confused by a comment on your fotki account. Are you saying that you only use the chi on your new growth??

Thank you. I've never used the CHI on just my new growth. Whenever I use it, I always use it throughout my hair. I think the comment you are talking about, someone asked if I pressed my hair or flat ironed it to help stretch relaxers, and then I said I don't press under any circumstances. Is that the pic?