Prosperity Sermons


Well-Known Member
Do they have a purpose? Some whose sermons touch a lot on prosperity include Jamal Bryant, TD Jakes and Creflo Dollar. What do you all think?
I just can't get with the sermons that constantly speak of your money is coming..your new car is coming...your big house is coming......and for all those folks who talk about you - their time is coming.

God's word is SOOOO much more than just being blessed with material things.
While I know that God wants us to be happy while we're here and enjoy life and get by without constantly struggling, people fail to realize this is NOT our final home, we're just passing though here. People who preach nothing but prosperity for THIS life are doing a great, GREAT disservice to their flock because our purpose here is to get ready for our FINAL home and to spread the word to get others ready.
AMEN! I am tired of hearing how we think a Lexus makes us prosperous and is the way we are blessed! I am blessed being able to type this right now! God is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooo GREAT.........I want to hear his word....not just about what Creflo and Bryant are preaching.
I am a faithful member of Creflo Dollar's church and yes the Prosperity Sermons are very necessary. Prosperity is not just about money..... Prospering in God will effect every aspect of your life, your health, your well being, your safety from harm, the peace and well being of your children in addition to your finances. The prosperity is about the salvation of your entire family. There is nothing wonderful, glamorous or even holy about being sick, broke and busted when a person has accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Most parents want the best for thier children, why wouldn't the Most High God not want the best for his children too. I think that the scripture 3 John 2 really sums it up...Beloved I wish above all that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. As a person meditates on the Word of God and really get that word in thier hearts, the prosperity of God is invitable to show up. Why?? because that person begins to think like God and speak like God and God will always honor his word.

Prosperity in God starts from inside out not outside. A person is not blessed when the expensive car is in the driveway. A born again believer is blessed, and as a result an expensive car may or may not be in thier driveway, if that is thier heart's desire. The bible says he will give us the desires of hearts, and not every one wants expensive things.

For a person to make a decision to deny existence of the prosperity of God for whatever reason really doesn't have anything to worry about because the prosperity of God won't be a reality in thier lives. In the kingdom of God, one has to accept by faith first then they will see the manifesation of God's goodness.
Do they have a purpose? Some whose sermons touch a lot on prosperity include Jamal Bryant, TD Jakes and Creflo Dollar. What do you all think?

this type of teaching takes the bible out of context. it goes against god's word. god does prosper his children. but prosperity teachings are contrary to the word.
I am a faithful member of Creflo Dollar's church and yes the Prosperity Sermons are very necessary. Prosperity is not just about money..... Prospering in God will effect every aspect of your life, your health, your well being, your safety from harm, the peace and well being of your children in addition to your finances. The prosperity is about the salvation of your entire family. There is nothing wonderful, glamorous or even holy about being sick, broke and busted when a person has accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Most parents want the best for thier children, why wouldn't the Most High God not want the best for his children too. I think that the scripture 3 John 2 really sums it up...Beloved I wish above all that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. As a person meditates on the Word of God and really get that word in thier hearts, the prosperity of God is invitable to show up. Why?? because that person begins to think like God and speak like God and God will always honor his word.

Prosperity in God starts from inside out not outside. A person is not blessed when the expensive car is in the driveway. A born again believer is blessed, and as a result an expensive car may or may not be in thier driveway, if that is thier heart's desire. The bible says he will give us the desires of hearts, and not every one wants expensive things.

For a person to make a decision to deny existence of the prosperity of God for whatever reason really doesn't have anything to worry about because the prosperity of God won't be a reality in thier lives. In the kingdom of God, one has to accept by faith first then they will see the manifesation of God's goodness.

Very well said!
I just can't get with the sermons that constantly speak of your money is coming..your new car is coming...your big house is coming......and for all those folks who talk about you - their time is coming.

God's word is SOOOO much more than just being blessed with material things.

the book of ecclesiastes supports your comment.

ETA: this book is a good example of a comment i made in a different thread about believing every word in the bible and cannonization etc. hmmmm..........
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I am a faithful member of Creflo Dollar's church and yes the Prosperity Sermons are very necessary. Prosperity is not just about money..... Prospering in God will effect every aspect of your life, your health, your well being, your safety from harm, the peace and well being of your children in addition to your finances. The prosperity is about the salvation of your entire family. There is nothing wonderful, glamorous or even holy about being sick, broke and busted when a person has accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Most parents want the best for thier children, why wouldn't the Most High God not want the best for his children too. I think that the scripture 3 John 2 really sums it up...Beloved I wish above all that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. As a person meditates on the Word of God and really get that word in thier hearts, the prosperity of God is invitable to show up. Why?? because that person begins to think like God and speak like God and God will always honor his word.

Prosperity in God starts from inside out not outside. A person is not blessed when the expensive car is in the driveway. A born again believer is blessed, and as a result an expensive car may or may not be in thier driveway, if that is thier heart's desire. The bible says he will give us the desires of hearts, and not every one wants expensive things.

For a person to make a decision to deny existence of the prosperity of God for whatever reason really doesn't have anything to worry about because the prosperity of God won't be a reality in thier lives. In the kingdom of God, one has to accept by faith first then they will see the manifesation of God's goodness.

that is true.

however, prosperity teachings (particularly those of Copeland, Dollar, Price, and the like) pander to the LUSTS of people's flesh. i remember when Dollar first came on the scene waaaaaay before he got his own show. i used to watch BVOV "religiously" and he was Copeland's Protégéand guest. around that time was also when i was receiving proper, correct teaching of scriptures pertaining to wealth and prosperity and subsequently stopped watching BVOV and i am completely diametrically opposed to the prosperity teachings of Dollar and his ilk.

I think prosperity sermons have their time and place. I had been saved for close to two years before I became aware of “prosperity teachings”. I was flipping channels one day and came across Creflo Dollar. He had the congregation repeat, “Money cometh to me.” I came across this sermon at a time when I was in desperate need of some money, so at that time his sermon blessed me. What I got from the sermon was that God had already supplied my needs, would continue to supply my needs and money would come to me as I needed it. It’s been 10 years since I heard that sermon and I used to watch Creflo Dollar from time to time, but unfortunately, I’m just not able to get much out of his sermons.

As with most of these larger ministries and mega churches, I believe that in the beginning the intentions were good, but the money started pouring in and the focus was placed on man and material possessions. I used to attend a church where the pastor was on fire for God. There wasn’t a sermon he wouldn’t preach if the Lord said preach it. If the Lord said tell it he would tell it. But, money started pouring in and he started using the pulpit as a platform to discuss his opinions instead of telling the people what God said.
I don't have a problem with prosperity sermons in general. I believe God wants us to be rich but not like the world. With our money, we are to use it to bless and help others. I only have a problem with those who seek money and things from God and that's it. God is about more than money. Some people don't understand there is a process to it all. God is not going to bless you with a million dollars if you can't be a good steward over the $40,000 you get from your salary. People want the reward but none of the work and that needs to be taught.

The bible says to seek ye first the kingdom of God. If we put God first, he will bless us in all areas of our lives. The problem with some prosperity messages is they don't focus on having a strong relationship with Christ first. Also some people need to know that it may not be in God's will for them to be rich. But just because you aren't a millionaire, doesn't mean you are poor. God doesn't need to give you a lot of money in order to bless you. You can make a small amount of money but God can show you favor and you can be completely debt free. Q
I believe that when you are in the will of God and actively trying to live in a manner that is pleasing to Him then prosperity automatically comes. Monetary and material gain is just one small element in the whole prosperty picture: which can include an array of things, such as protection, health, long life, good marriages, peace of mind, children that stay out of trouble, etc...

Prosperity is also being able to make it through hard times and sustain yourself whenever there is lack in your life.

While we do need to be reminded of the good things that God is able to supply to us, there is never a need to limit God by constantly harping on one facet of prosperity. So while I do not have a problem with hearing prosperity sermons, I chose not to engulf myself with ministries that are primarily based on this sole issue.

The Word says that God will supply all of our needs... it doesn't guarantee anything about our above the top wants.
I don't have a problem with prosperity sermons in general. I believe God wants us to be rich but not like the world. With our money, we are to use it to bless and help others. I only have a problem with those who seek money and things from God and that's it. God is about more than money. Some people don't understand there is a process to it all. God is not going to bless you with a million dollars if you can't be a good steward over the $40,000 you get from your salary. People want the reward but none of the work and that needs to be taught.

The bible says to seek ye first the kingdom of God. If we put God first, he will bless us in all areas of our lives. The problem with some prosperity messages is they don't focus on having a strong relationship with Christ first. Also some people need to know that it may not be in God's will for them to be rich. But just because you aren't a millionaire, doesn't mean you are poor. God doesn't need to give you a lot of money in order to bless you. You can make a small amount of money but God can show you favor and you can be completely debt free. Q

Well said, Queeny!

At my old church, for months, the pastor preached that God wants everyone in a house...renting is contrary to God's and claim your house right now!

Here we are a few years later, and the same church is having foreclosure seminars for the members because so many of them are losing those homes.:nono:

The question is...where is your focus? Seek ye first...FIRST...means just that. The problem with a lot of prosprerity teaching is that these ministers are teaching that wealth, riches, homes, jobs, and cars are the Kingdom of God. They are teaching that the poor are cursed and the rich are blessed. Money is a measure of how Christian you are. All lies.

To be honest, I think many of the prosperity teachers have been deceived themselves. I don't think they intentionally set out to lie to the flock. I think it happens slowly over time. That's how deception works. You look up one day and realize what you are hearing is contrary to the Word, but by then, you've been in your church 20 years and don't feel right leaving.:sad:
Well said, Queeny!

At my old church, for months, the pastor preached that God wants everyone in a house...renting is contrary to God's and claim your house right now!

Here we are a few years later, and the same church is having foreclosure seminars for the members because so many of them are losing those homes.:nono:

The question is...where is your focus? Seek ye first...FIRST...means just that. The problem with a lot of prosprerity teaching is that these ministers are teaching that wealth, riches, homes, jobs, and cars are the Kingdom of God. They are teaching that the poor are cursed and the rich are blessed. Money is a measure of how Christian you are. All lies.

To be honest, I think many of the prosperity teachers have been deceived themselves. I don't think they intentionally set out to lie to the flock. I think it happens slowly over time. That's how deception works. You look up one day and realize what you are hearing is contrary to the Word, but by then, you've been in your church 20 years and don't feel right leaving.:sad:

Darn shame I tell you. Some people go to churches looking to get rich and don't focus on their souls. So what if you do become a millionaire. Where are you going to spend eternity? You are right so many people have lost their focus and get caught up. My Pastor calls it, falling for the switch. Instead of praying for a closer relationship, a deeper understanding of the word, a heart to give and bless others, folks are praying for a Bently, a mansion and, money. All of the money in the world won't be able to pay your way out of hell. Q
I'm tired of the prosperity sermons. Being prosperous isn't my goal as a Christian........I want to have everlasting life. I really don't like going to a church where the preacher focuses on being rich, having a new car blah blah blah instead of how I have been cleansed of sin.
God prospers us in many ways beyond material things. What I tend to hear mostly about ARE the material things as a manifestation of the way God will bless you. That is a VERY immature person in Christ who believes they are only blessed when God grants them the things they ask for. God won't always give us what we say we want - doesn't mean you aren't blessed.

I think too many can get it confused. Thank God for the locusts too! I do not hear prosperity sermons preaching that. And I do not hear more traditional sermons preaching in order to be blessed or to get your 20 crowns in heaven you have to forsake all worldly things and live bare bones. I do hear that when prayers go up GOD SHOWS UP! Not necessarily that blessings come down. It is to His will not ours.

I am a faithful member of Creflo Dollar's church and yes the Prosperity Sermons are very necessary. Prosperity is not just about money..... Prospering in God will effect every aspect of your life, your health, your well being, your safety from harm, the peace and well being of your children in addition to your finances. The prosperity is about the salvation of your entire family. There is nothing wonderful, glamorous or even holy about being sick, broke and busted when a person has accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Most parents want the best for thier children, why wouldn't the Most High God not want the best for his children too. I think that the scripture 3 John 2 really sums it up...Beloved I wish above all that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. As a person meditates on the Word of God and really get that word in thier hearts, the prosperity of God is invitable to show up. Why?? because that person begins to think like God and speak like God and God will always honor his word.

Prosperity in God starts from inside out not outside. A person is not blessed when the expensive car is in the driveway. A born again believer is blessed, and as a result an expensive car may or may not be in thier driveway, if that is thier heart's desire. The bible says he will give us the desires of hearts, and not every one wants expensive things.

For a person to make a decision to deny existence of the prosperity of God for whatever reason really doesn't have anything to worry about because the prosperity of God won't be a reality in thier lives. In the kingdom of God, one has to accept by faith first then they will see the manifesation of God's goodness.
I think prosperity sermons have their time and place. I had been saved for close to two years before I became aware of “prosperity teachings”. I was flipping channels one day and came across Creflo Dollar. He had the congregation repeat, “Money cometh to me.” I came across this sermon at a time when I was in desperate need of some money, so at that time his sermon blessed me. What I got from the sermon was that God had already supplied my needs, would continue to supply my needs and money would come to me as I needed it. It’s been 10 years since I heard that sermon and I used to watch Creflo Dollar from time to time, but unfortunately, I’m just not able to get much out of his sermons.

As with most of these larger ministries and mega churches, I believe that in the beginning the intentions were good, but the money started pouring in and the focus was placed on man and material possessions. I used to attend a church where the pastor was on fire for God. There wasn’t a sermon he wouldn’t preach if the Lord said preach it. If the Lord said tell it he would tell it. But, money started pouring in and he started using the pulpit as a platform to discuss his opinions instead of telling the people what God said.

I think what you took away from the sermon was what a mature Christian would, and I am glad of that. Unfortuantely, many are lead astray by sermons such as these. In today's church, many are intermixing what God's word says with modern new age philosophies. They believe that they are in fact somewhat of a diety because they are children of God, and they can command what they wish from God. But God is God and we are not. We can ask for His blessings, but in the end we should know that He will supply us with what He wants us to have. If we ask for a huge fortune and we receive it--great! But thinking that we will have it, imagining it, and audibly claiming it does not change the will of God.
I think it is very callous to call another Christian immature in their spiritual walk as they try to understand and embrace their faith.

Not everyone is well seasoned. Not everyone has a high level of understanding when it comes to scripture and teachings. I learn something new every time I pick up my bible, listen to ANY pastor, or fellowship with a friend. I am still new (as I see fit to describe) my walk and I would not appreciate anyone labeling me as immature because I did not take away from the message what they walked away with.

While I did not hear the message in question, I do listen to various pastors (including Jakes, Dollar, Meyers, White, etc.). Not once did I ever hear anyone mention praying for a Bentley, Lexus or million dollars. People are listening to these messages because they are down trodden and going through very personal matters during these difficult times. Often personal battles are fought against financial hardship. Not everyone is financially secure. I am not saying that people should be praying for money (and I highly doubt people are praying for $20s on their doorsteps) but people are praying for financial relief. AND THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. When people are robbing Peter to pay Paul or living paycheck to paycheck, financial stress is very real and affects people mentally and physically EVERYDAY. I doubt that people who are barely able to make their credit card payments, dealing with the rising cost of living (skyrocketing gas prices, increasing fees, increasing amount of bills, less jobs, lower incomes, higher taxes, etc.) are praying for a Lexus on their doorstep. There are grown women with children of their own who are having to move back in with their own parents because they can no longer afford their homes -- no longer able to live on their own. Parents who have to move in with their kids because they cannot afford to live on Social Security alone. Churches are packed with thousands of people who are in dire stress...often due to financial problems. Yet, all some want to believe is that the thousands who listen to Dollar, Jakes, etc. are praying for a Mercedes.
I do not perceive it as being callous I perceive it as being immature in Christ when the only way we can recognize our blessings is when we receive material things as a manifestation if His love for us.

If I pray for something and God does not grant it to me am I not still His child? Am I not still blessed? Does that mean He is not God? NO .. it means it isn't His will!

I must acquiesce to that and remain humble! All of these material things can be TAKEN AWAY in the blink of an EYE.....are we NOT still the CHILD OF GOD and truly blessed?

Let's not get it confused...and for someone to think otherwise is immature in my eyes like saying the child's blessing at age 50. No advancement, progress or growth in Christ. I know He expects more of us.

I think it is very callous to call another Christian immature in their spiritual walk as they try to understand and embrace their faith.

Not everyone is well seasoned. Not everyone has a high level of understanding when it comes to scripture and teachings. I learn something new every time I pick up my bible, listen to ANY pastor, or fellowship with a friend. I am still new (as I see fit to describe) my walk and I would not appreciate anyone labeling me as immature because I did not take away from the message what they walked away with.

While I did not hear the message in question, I do listen to various pastors (including Jakes, Dollar, Meyers, White, etc.). Not once did I ever hear anyone mention praying for a Bentley, Lexus or million dollars. People are listening to these messages because they are down trodden and going through very personal matters during these difficult times. Often personal battles are fought against financial hardship. Not everyone is financially secure. I am not saying that people should be praying for money (and I highly doubt people are praying for $20s on their doorsteps) but people are praying for financial relief. AND THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. When people are robbing Peter to pay Paul or living paycheck to paycheck, financial stress is very real and affects people mentally and physically EVERYDAY. I doubt that people who are barely able to make their credit card payments, dealing with the rising cost of living (skyrocketing gas prices, increasing fees, increasing amount of bills, less jobs, lower incomes, higher taxes, etc.) are praying for a Lexus on their doorstep. There are grown women with children of their own who are having to move back in with their own parents because they can no longer afford their homes -- no longer able to live on their own. Parents who have to move in with their kids because they cannot afford to live on Social Security alone. Churches are packed with thousands of people who are in dire stress...often due to financial problems. Yet, all some want to believe is that the thousands who listen to Dollar, Jakes, etc. are praying for a Mercedes.
nvy, were you referring to me, dear?

I said that mrselle was thinking like a mature Christian. There is a such thing as spiritual maturity. I stand by my statement that some are led in the wrong direction, and I've seen it happen to some of my friends.

I learn something new each time I read the bible as well. Any Christian should be able to attest to this. But the more we learn, the more we grow. This is not to say that newer believers are any less valuable, but there can be advice given by those who are seasoned--it happens here all the time and I am grateful for the advice given to me.

I was not saying that you cannot pray for prosperity. God wants us to live life in abundance. And God wants to supply our needs. When we are in need, we should turn to our Almighty father for help in this matter, by ALL means.

Girl, I know that people who are going through struggles aren't necessarily praying for status cars and mansions. But I was referring to those who are not being wise with what God has provided them with. The ones getting an expensive home without the means to pay because " God will give them the money to stay in the house" when their current house was just fine and met their expectations. I'm talking of the ones who are looking at high status items as their gauge on how much God loves them.

I don't think we were on the same page. I'm not simply stating that all that listen to Creflo are led astray. But there are those who become so caught up in the message, that they don't know that they've already prospered. Please don't think that I am telling folks not to want their daily financial needs met.

In love,
I am witnessing firsthand a couple I admired who walked closely with Christ. They got into their last home in between jobs, without the level of scrutiny as most and God led them to where they were. They decided to move into a much larger home not because God led them there but for status. They admitted it - their last home did not show well enough for them and the people they were planning to entertain (high society of Baltimore).

Well, they have gone THROUGH it to get into the house, trying to get out of the deal, ending up having to take the house and not being able to successfully sell the last house - so they have 2 major home mortgates on the books. It hasn't been easy and while I believe God will bring them through this - I believe it won't be without a lesson first b/c I do not believe this was His plan. Their last home was gorgeous. Their new home is AWESOME but she is not happy - b/c it wasn't the way they wanted it.

That is a perfect example of people believing in prosperity teachings but that may not be God's will and if it isn't doesn't mean God does not love you and you are not blessed!

I am sick of prosperity teachings b/c those who are not mature enough to discern the difference can easily get it confused.
I am witnessing firsthand a couple I admired who walked closely with Christ. They got into their last home in between jobs, without the level of scrutiny as most and God led them to where they were. They decided to move into a much larger home not because God led them there but for status. They admitted it - their last home did not show well enough for them and the people they were planning to entertain (high society of Baltimore).

Well, they have gone THROUGH it to get into the house, trying to get out of the deal, ending up having to take the house and not being able to successfully sell the last house - so they have 2 major home mortgates on the books. It hasn't been easy and while I believe God will bring them through this - I believe it won't be without a lesson first b/c I do not believe this was His plan. Their last home was gorgeous. Their new home is AWESOME but she is not happy - b/c it wasn't the way they wanted it.

That is a perfect example of people believing in prosperity teachings but that may not be God's will and if it isn't doesn't mean God does not love you and you are not blessed!

I am sick of prosperity teachings b/c those who are not mature enough to discern the difference can easily get it confused.

:nono:What happened to personal accountability? Personal responsibility? Common sense? The unadulterated, pure Word of God advocates seeking the Lord first in all things. It's like you said: "because God led them there but for status."

It is simply OUT OF ORDER to place blame on the Word of God. And if there are pastors who are misleading folk and misrepresenting the Word of God, they will have to answer to God for that. And at the same time, the Lord is sovereign enough to cover His believers and grant mercy, even in a situation like this.

A sisterfriend of mine is in a similar situation. She bought a house at age 26. This house has brought her more sorrow than blessing. Two years later, as she reflects on the situation, she realizes that, while the teaching at our church is to be homeowners versus renters, she bought a house on that word WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE (for example, the seller did the appraisal versus getting an objective appraiser; she simply didn't know otherwise). She was not conscious of what it takes to be a homeowner. She is believing to get out of the house favorably (may have to file bankruptcy) so she can start over. Thankfully, it's just her. She says she will be a homeowner again to the glory of God AND with knowledge.

The Word of God should not take the blame for people's poor choices.
What I am explaining in the prosperity sermons I hear or have listened to, they speak of all the materialistic things you will get by being faithful but they do not balance it with the things you must go through in order to be faithful. The tests, trials and tribulations.

My friends did not consult with God first when they made this move and they know this and understand why they are going through what they are going through. I know God will bring them through it but not before they learn this lesson.

I do not say constantly preach gloom and doom but let's understand God will bring you through it and it is an immature Christian who thinks the only way God displays His love is with material rewards like money, big houses, helicopters, the Lexus in the driveway, etc.

He is so much more awesome than that.
I see what nvybeauty is saying re. the perception and/or estimation of financial troubles as a sign of immaturity. I think it would be better to call it DISOBEDIENCE or FOOLISHNESS...or even a time of TESTING.... and these things can happen to ANY BELIEVER, regardless of the length of time they have been a Christian.

My sisterfriend that I mentioned earlier has been a Christian since she was 14 years old. She bought the house at 26. I would not call what she did foolishness at all. I would call it an ACT OF FAITH. She stepped out believing the Lord. It's not a sin to buy a house. It's not a sin to want more/better. The sin comes in when those status symbols and fleshly desires distract us from the things of the Lord.

I say again, for those pastors who are misrepresenting the Word of God, they will have to answer to God for their DISOBEDIENCE and misleading the people.

How about this: NOTHING happens on this earth without the LORD's PERMISSION. Consider Job. The devil had to go to the Lord to inquire about Job. (Job 1). The Lord is omniscient.

And the Lord knows when we're gonna do something stupid/ buy things we may not be able to afford. And when we realize the error of our ways and repent, the Lord sees that. The Lord's mercy is EVERLASTING.
I feel like the properity preachers basically preach what they think people want to hear. They talk about things that are easy to listen for some people like how you can receive financial blessings, have all your bills paid and get a new car if you follow his teachings.

This seems to be the foundation of those sermons. Now, speaking as someone with a chronic health problem with no hope of any cure (I have multiple sclerosis) that is not what I need to hear. Everyone else, as well as I, need to hear about how we are going to get to the other side. How we can order our steps to lead us to the kingdom.

IMHO, this is the basics of Christianity that is suited for EVERYONE. Getting financial blessings and being properous may not be as important to one person as it is to another so why focus on that? Why not preach and teach the basic Christian ideals that will apply to everyone equally? Which in my opinion is having everlasting life.

Preachers that focus on being prosperous in their teachings, IMHO, are cheating the people that follow them.
Do they have a purpose? Some whose sermons touch a lot on prosperity include Jamal Bryant, TD Jakes and Creflo Dollar. What do you all think?
The promises of prosperity are true and scriptual. The world itsself has exercised them and profited from God's principles on increase for centuries and they always will. Look at Luke 16, regarding the unjust servant.

This man about to lose his job, went about and gained favor from his employer's clients, and though it was an underhanded act for him to do so (as he was looking out for himself), Jesus remarked that the children of the world are smarter than the children of light. Meaning that the world KNOWS the system and they are working it and profiting from it. However, God's children are not and therefore prosper not.

Here's the problem: While it is NOT a sin to prosper, it has been taken out of context where many preachers have gotten caught up in the 'blessings' and not remaining focused on the Kingdom of God.

Why keep asking God for something that He has already given you? Here's the thing. When one's rent, mortgage, car payment or whatever is due, one does not hesitate to put in a prayer request for it. Why go through that when God has already made it availble to us to have our needs met BEYOND what we could ever ask or think.

There's a fine line here....why keep asking for what you already have been promised by God. If the world is getting blessed financially, how much more the children of God, so that the needs of the ministries are met, as well as the 'children' of God within, and to continue to spread God's message throughout the world.

The reason the Church and God's children are so 'broke' is because of the 'rejection' of God's promises to us. HAD 'we', the Church accepted the promises of prosperity in the beginning, we would not be a servant to the world.

For it's the world who dictates our airwaves...there's more sin and garbage in the media than God's word. In comparison, how many wholesome shows, movies, music and radio programs are full of the devil? 99%. Why is that? They have the money, to control it. And we are the ones 'funding' them to do so.

For every nickel and dime that the Church pays for their airwaves, utilities, phone service, groceries, family vacations, air travel, cars, clothing, restaurants, even a stick of gum, etc., goes straight into the bank rolls of those in the world to continue their increase, to support THEIR causes and choices, and compiles our decrease. Yet, we the Church still struggles to make ends meet. For we do not have money control! We do not have the prosperity in our hands to overcome the world.

Yes............we do have prayer and Bibles and songs and hymms, and halleiluias; AND they are powerful...indeed! Yet we do not control the world's system...they still control us. Why? Because they ran with what we rejected...God's kingdom principles for prospering in this world financially.

Prosperity is not a sin. Rejecting it is....:nono:
I feel like the properity preachers basically preach what they think people want to hear. They talk about things that are easy to listen for some people like how you can receive financial blessings, have all your bills paid and get a new car if you follow his teachings.

This seems to be the foundation of those sermons. Now, speaking as someone with a chronic health problem with no hope of any cure (I have multiple sclerosis) that is not what I need to hear. Everyone else, as well as I, need to hear about how we are going to get to the other side. How we can order our steps to lead us to the kingdom.

IMHO, this is the basics of Christianity that is suited for EVERYONE. Getting financial blessings and being properous may not be as important to one person as it is to another so why focus on that? Why not preach and teach the basic Christian ideals that will apply to everyone equally? Which in my opinion is having everlasting life.

Preachers that focus on being prosperous in their teachings, IMHO, are cheating the people that follow them.

Dear tarheelgurl,

I hear what you're saying and I see why you're saying what you're saying. In advance, please forgive me if my following words come off as offensive to you but I must declare that Jesus Christ has already borne/carried away every sickness and disease. Our hope as Christians is not in man finding a cure, but our hope is in Jesus Christ. Part of the prosperity message is to live in divine healing, divine health, and divine life. I encourage you to hope in the Lord Jesus Christ read, meditate, and memorize these scriptures to build up your faith that health and healing can be yours in Jesus Christ.

Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and healing shall spring up quickly. Isaiah 58:8

Who his own self bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we, being dead to sin, should live unto righteousness, by whose stripes we were healed. I Peter 2:24

He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. Psalm 107:20

Daughter your faith has made you well, go in peace, And be Healed of your disease. Mark 5:34

Whatever you ask for in Prayer with faith you will receive. Matthew 21:22

And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Eqyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee. Exdous 15:26

Exodus 23:25 Worship the LORD your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you.

Psalm 103:3 Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits--who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases.

My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them and health to all their flesh.
Proverbs 4:20-22

But he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him;and with his stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53:5

Heal me, O Lord and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved; for thou art my praise. Jeremiah 17:14

ACTS 10:38 "how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him."

1 PETER 2:24 (Christ) Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree,
that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness -- by whose stripes you were healed.

More healing scriptures here:

I feel like the properity preachers basically preach what they think people want to hear. They talk about things that are easy to listen for some people like how you can receive financial blessings, have all your bills paid and get a new car if you follow his teachings.

This seems to be the foundation of those sermons. Now, speaking as someone with a chronic health problem with no hope of any cure (I have multiple sclerosis) that is not what I need to hear. Everyone else, as well as I, need to hear about how we are going to get to the other side. How we can order our steps to lead us to the kingdom.

IMHO, this is the basics of Christianity that is suited for EVERYONE. Getting financial blessings and being properous may not be as important to one person as it is to another so why focus on that? Why not preach and teach the basic Christian ideals that will apply to everyone equally? Which in my opinion is having everlasting life.

Preachers that focus on being prosperous in their teachings, IMHO, are cheating the people that follow them.

If you desire to pray for the power to receive healing or if you just want to release your faith for health and wholeness
You can receive right now Jesus is where you are right this moment

Jesus is the healer; Your part is to say and do. So you say these things out loud.
You say; Jesus is my healer He bore my sicknesses and my diseases and pain I expect to receive now. Pray this prayer in faith and mean it with your whole heart. Accept it and believe it!

Father, the word of God, that I have heard and confess
is the power of God unto my salvation
I confess that Jesus Christ is Lord
over my life, spirit, soul and body
I receive the power of God to make me whole,
sound, deliver, saved and healed now
I act on the word of God and receive His power

ickness, disease and pain
I resist you in the name of Jesus
You are not the will of God
I enforce the word of God on you
I will not tolerate you in my life
Leave my presence,
I will never allow you back
I have been healed and made sound
Jesus made me whole
My days of sickness and disease are over

am the saved, I am the healed and the power of
sickness has been forever broken over my life
Jesus bore my sickness
Jesus bore my weakness
Jesus bore my pain and I am free
No sickness, no sin, no fear, no evil addiction
shall lord it over me any longer
I have been redeemed from the curse
and I receive the blessing
I proclaim my freedom in Jesus name

he gospel is the power of God to me, unto my salvation
I receive the gospel, I act on the gospel and I am
made whole in the name of the lord Jesus Christ.

Prayer by Gloria Copeland
Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Directly licensed for internet public performance
