Prosperity Gospel


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When you listen to this what are your thoughts?
A Pastor Warning The People
Prosperity gospel Bursts Pastor David Wilkerson

When you see this what are your thoughts?
Money Cometh & The Anointed Money Ritual: EXPOSED!!!!!

The $16,000 Dog & Prosperity Boasting

Leroy Thompson Makes Fun of Poor Christians
God, I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity of furthering my walk with you so that I am able to distinguish between the things that are not of your word.

When I first heard the sermon I found it hard to believe that people would give away their money to another man for the sole purpose of becoming rich. God gives you everything that you need, that means you don't have to look anywhere else.

To know that people are believing the lies that are coming from that man's mouth is very sad. Just by looking at the way he carries himself and how he treats other people, you can tell he is not a man of God. All he does is brag about the things he has and how poor people can't go the heaven. Instead of praising and giving the honer and glory to God, they are worshiping money. The entire second video (Money Cometh & The Anointed Money Ritual: EXPOSED!!!!!) was very disturbing.

The Bible does talk about false prophets and he is one of them. We need to pray for those people.
Hypnosis and Music can have a powerful effect on people

Foreclosures of Mega Churches

MegaChurch Foreclosures: Are They The Devil's Fault? [ Earl Paulk/Thomas Weeks/Paula White]

Professing Prophecy From God saying:
CHRISTIANS Have 2 YEARS LEFT To GET RICH!???? (wealth transfer/debt cancellation)
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