Project Relaxer Done! =) With pics


Active Member
So I did it today.

There were several mishaps. Such as formerly bleached hair I thought had mostly been cut off (which was the cause of snags and why my hair would not press flat) running into the relaxer.


However! I think it turned out well anyway. Here it was right after I got everything done.


Then I realized that I had to cut those nasty ends off, as they kept catching in the comb. I was proud of how much it grew out since February, but luckily my mom had always advocated knowing when it was time to let the bad ends go. I started clipping the ends, then wanted to go to the salon tomorrow, when I realized that the way I was cutting my hair actually was working itself into a little style of sorts. So, I just kept clipping and working slowly.

I cut off a lot. But I think that the end result was worth it.


So happy. =) It will grow back, in time, but the important thing is that now it's healthy. But yeah, here's the end of my little escapade and departure from natural land. I'm excited for my future adventures with my hair, and hopefully will be learning more along the way. Thanks so much everyone for all the help. :D
Cutting those ends sometimes is the hardest part so congrats on just that girl!:grin:You have a fresh start and your hair will grow back healthier than ever. You'll see. :yep: I always go by health over length. The health of your hair is wayyyyy more important than the length. :grin::yep: