Progress photo update. I don't see the progress!


Well-Known Member
After 4 months of stretching I got my perm yesterday. I am so mad, because I don't see the progress. People tell me my hair grew and it's mad thick. But I don't see the length......I took soooo many after photos, but not one of them showed me the length. It is very healthy and all my blonde highlights grew out from 1 and 3/4 year ago. You tell me?? I might be blind....

The 1st one on the right is from Nov 2005 and other 2 are yesterday's photos.
I see the progress on the first set of photos, but not the second:confused: Seems weird to me, I hope other ladies have more suggestions.
OneInAMillion said:
I see the progress girly! Way to go...your hair is really coming along nicely and the growth is amazing!

Nope, still don't see it. I must be tripping.
MizaniMami said:
I see the progress on the first set of photos, but not the second:confused: Seems weird to me, I hope other ladies have more suggestions.

What she said. At first, I was thinking, "...she has 'hair anorexia'" b/c I can plainly see the progress in the first set of photos...then, I scrolled down and saw the second set and now I am confused. Could the pics be transposed in the second set? :confused:
I definitely see it in the first set. In the second set it seems like your sides have grown out a bit to catch up with the middle section.
RabiaElaine said:
I definitely see it in the first set. In the second set it seems like your sides have grown out a bit to catch up with the middle section.

I see it now. My sides did catch up with the rest of my hair. Even in the 1st photo, you see that the sides are longer and everything is even. I guess that is progress.
Oh, I thought the top pics were current and the bottom ones were from November. Like everybody else, I see a difference in the first set. Is it because in the second set, your hair is spread out? That will make a visual difference.
Are you breaking? It looks like you can use a trim. Maybe you are seeing progress because the ends are splitting/breaking up. I am not trying to be mean at all, but want to tell you what I see based on the pics. We both are looking to obtain length and when I post pics I hope you are all honest with me as well. I want to reach my goals and I'll have to take my feelings out of it in a way. You need to trim. Those ends aren't helping. Really hope this helps hottopic and keep up the good work.
RabiaElaine said:
I definitely see it in the first set. In the second set it seems like your sides have grown out a bit to catch up with the middle section.
yeah, this is what I saw too...
AHHH. I am so mad with my hair. Ok. I need to calm down. Well I am just going to have to go for another round. :)
s_terry said:
Are you breaking? It looks like you can use a trim. Maybe you are seeing progress because the ends are splitting/breaking up. I am not trying to be mean at all, but want to tell you what I see based on the pics. We both are looking to obtain length and when I post pics I hope you are all honest with me as well. I want to reach my goals and I'll have to take my feelings out of it in a way. You need to trim. Those ends aren't helping. Really hope this helps hottopic and keep up the good work.

This could be a possible logic too.

Did your hair break or shed a lot from stretching? It may have grew but broke off a little from stretching.
s_terry said:
Are you breaking? It looks like you can use a trim. Maybe you are seeing progress because the ends are splitting/breaking up. I am not trying to be mean at all, but want to tell you what I see based on the pics. We both are looking to obtain length and when I post pics I hope you are all honest with me as well. I want to reach my goals and I'll have to take my feelings out of it in a way. You need to trim. Those ends aren't helping. Really hope this helps hottopic and keep up the good work.

This is a very good tip.
I see progress in length from Dec 2004 to Nov 2005... but it looks like your hair is the same length from Nov 2005 to Apr 2006... however, your hair looks thicker in Apr 2006 than the other pics.
No difference in the bottom one - an inch or so of growth in the top one so it is weird how the same pics show two different things.
I see a difference in length on the first pics and a difference in thickness in the second pics. Believe me you are making progress.
I see progress in the first and second photos. At first I thought the same about the second photo but I realize that your shoulder is higher up on the second photo. YES, you have a lot of progress.
Girl your hair grew!!!!!! The problem is that i think in the second set of pics your shoulder is higher in one pic so it does not really show the progress when put side by side. Myabe if the shoulders were at the same height you would see it better. Continue doing what you're doing cause its growing girl!!!!!Congratulations!!!!! Be Happy I see the progress!!!:D
Your hair is definitely thicker in the second set of pictures. You might want to start trimming your ends a little bit, say maybe an inch or so that it will fall better and look neater if you wear it down. You are definitely making progress. Hang in there and don't give up.
The same thing for me, I definately see progress for the first and the hair looks straight in that progress pic. But the second april progress shot it looks like a b4 relaxer shot.
MizaniMami said:
I see the progress on the first set of photos, but not the second:confused: Seems weird to me, I hope other ladies have more suggestions.