progress BC to NOW.


Progress BC to NOW (picture heavy) SORRY SO LONG NOW!

Letme UPDATE and give a background on my hair growth I will try to make this as detailed as possible.


I did my BC on April 8, 2008, I went straight into braids (as I was on the waiting list for Reniece and Breon [before anyone ask, that is who does my installs and only them.])

I begin growing out my hair with sew-ins on my HHJ in May 2008..

I have worn installs from the time I big chopped and I still do now. I give 100% credit for my hair flourishing to my constant protective styling [yes my installs! and of course the wonderful Breon and Reneice for making this an awesome journey for me!]. Yes I do wear my hair out in between installs (the pictures that you see!, but I do not think that I would have come this far in this amount of time with out my installs!)

Now the pictures where you see my hair out are usually taken after an install take down/ or my rest period between installs I do not straighten often I am a twist out n curl type of curl, My straight shots are for personal length checks, special events etc. and when Im not wearing my hair out in between installs, I do wear wigs, full wigs and half wigs. But I am not fond of the combs in the front or back as I fear they will cause breakage! so please be careful!

"so basically your saying pretty much you've worn weave since you have been natural?" answer: "YES!!"

My regimen when Im wearing and install is of course different from my regimen when I am wearing my hair out.

I Shampoo/Condition once a week or once bi-weekly ( i use tresseme shampoo/conditioner)

I Moisturize every other day ( I use coconut oil and vitapointe in a application bottle)

What about Deep conditioning? ( i do not deep condition while I have a install)

what about your leave out hair, ( i have only left leave out once, and i use minimal heat, set on rollers, pin curl at night, coconut/vitapointe on the ends every day)

I Sleep in a satin/silk bonnet scarf (i also sleep on silk pillow cases)

REGIMEN's for when Im NOT in INSTALLS (sew-ins)


Pre-poo with every wash
Shampoo with Kinky Curly Come Clean (bi-weekly)
Clarify with Suave (once every 1-2 months to remove product build up)
I co-wash (every other day)
Deep condition (after every wash/co-wash.)
Every 4-6months I do a hard protein treatment (aphogee)
I moisturize and seal every other night with vitapointe and seal with coconut oil.
I sleep in silk scarf and bonnet and on silk pillows.


I wash/condish with Mizani Thermasmooth (shampoo/conditioner)
I deep condition (mixture of conditioners)
I detangle & let slightly airdry
I use the tension method to blow dry my hair
I flat iron with a sedu.

If I have time I will just roller set with just Mizani thermasmooth serum.

those are my different regimens, I do not in anyway want to lead on or not disclose 100% of the information with any of you, so if I leave something out because I forgot I will add it and If I am not clar I will try my best to explain it!.

other hair F.A.Q's for me.

I rarely use styling aids unless i need to have 3-4 day hair, in that case I will use kinky curly knot today under kinky curly curling custard.

If i do a flat twist/cornrow out I use Jane carters wrap and roll

for two strand twist I use curly buttercreme with either curly pudding, or curly meringue

for dry scalp I use jane carter scalp serum

to revive curls, I use Shea Moisture Condition curl and style milk.

I did take vitamins regularly in the beginning of my natural hair journey but somewhere along the way I stopped, I want to finish up all of my bottles so I will be starting back up july 1st. ( multivitamin, flax seed, MSMS, Biotin)

and the lighter hair color that I had I had done at Hair cuttery and the colors are Redken sun tea & mango on lifted hair (it was a double process)

I hope that was clear as well as answered everyone's questions

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progress BC to NOW. (picture heavy)


then i colored.

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thank you ladies for viewing i was just reviewing my hair journey and wanted to share with you all. thank you for showing me the lighttt!
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whats your regimen? you have done so well:yep:
did it take you 2 years to get where you are now?
No offence but your hair looks like a weave in the last straight hair pic, just beautiful. You're blessed
whats your regimen? you have done so well:yep:
did it take you 2 years to get where you are now?
No offence but your hair looks like a weave in the last straight hair pic, just beautiful. You're blessed

its pretty simple. because Im pretty lazy (lol) I try to DC 2-3x a week if not once a week. I workout a lot now so I co wash every other day if iIm wearing my hair loose. I use a shampoo bi weekly (sulfate free) and I prepoo before every wash. I moisturize with vitapointe or curly buttercreme and seal with coconut out.

forgot to add i rarely style my hair even when its pressed i keep it simple, and i search and destroy on a regular basis.

but since Im going back into weaves for protective styling, ill be washing bi weekly and moisturizing every other days with vitapointe/coconut oil mix.

Thank you and I yes it has taken me 2years, ill be @ my 3 year mark next april! and no offense taken, my dad and bff have weave checked me lol so i take it as a compliment!

thank you!
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Girl, you look good at all stages. Wow what a journey. Love your hair.

Thank you! and I just posted it in an above post. its nothing really awesome sorry to say I think the most time consuming part in the deep conditioning 2-3x a week and search and destroying.
I am like in love w/your hair. :love3: It's gorgeous!! We're definitely texture sisters, not quite twins, but related. I'll have my eye on you from now on :curtain: :grin: