***progess pics**one year and two months natural


New Member
Big chop---sorry pic so small, could not resize

Last RELAXER---Sept 2007
June 12, 2008


July '09



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Thanks ladies! My hair grew super fast as a natural. I am in a protective style right now. When I flat-iron my hair, it is sl. I reached sl a little bit before the year mark. It is crazy thick and prone to shrinkage.
Now that's what I call progress! WOW! Congrats! I can't wait for my 2 year anniversary of being natural (next month)!
Thanks ladies,
I was called every name in the book by my family when I bc'd last year. My cousin thought I was going crazy and asked me if I needed help and my aunt made me the butt of family jokes. LOOK WHO"S LAUGHING NOW!!! My hair is longer than their's and I cut all of mine off and started over again. At times I wanted to give up but I did not, now if I could just do the same thing on my weightloss journey.
She got out yesterday...They got a lot of fluid off of her and the infection is leaving. Her next step after some time is to look at surgery for weightloss.