Profectiv Products - What's your review?


What Profectiv hair products are you using and how does it benefit your hair? The only product I've tried from the line is the Healthy Ends. I often see the other products in the store, such as the MegaGrowth products. I like the Healthy Ends okay. I normally place it on my ends, just before a relaxer touch up.

I would like to see if any ladies in this forum have tried any of the products before I decide to try any of their other ones.
I can vouch for the Mega Growth Daily Leave In Strengthener. I absolutely :love: this product. I apply it to my scalp and my ends throughout my transition(not the ends now since I have braids) and it never disappoints me. It never leaves your hair heavy or with any build-up whatsoever. Pair it up with any other oils and it works even better :yep:
I use the Mega growth anti breakage Growth lotion before I dry my hair and it feels so much stronger and doesn't break as easily. I like it!
I used their 3 phase scalp oil/serum for a while. I loved it at first and then later it started to bother my scalp. I also tried their hair cream I think it was a strengthening one, too oily
The breakfree (the purple one I think) has been a staple of mine for a few years now. My hair really thrives with small amounts of protein used regularly. I really like it a lot.
I used to use all anti-breakage thing all the time when I was relaxed it worked wonders If I wasn't broke I would buy some. I also loved their relaxer.
Profectiv use to be apart of my product line up..I stopped since I became natural Other then the Long n Healthy. Let's see i've used,Breakfree and Healthy ends...Breakfree was a staple of mine..used a small amount and it worked wonders.. Healthy ends for me.. was heavy and greasy...which is why I stopped using it. Long n healthy...was light ..kinda sticky..yet did the trick. eh, maybe I'll revisit the breakfree again.
I use the Mega growth anti breakage Growth lotion before I dry my hair and it feels so much stronger and doesn't break as easily. I like it!
i still have 1/2 bottle left of this product and i dont really like it.
i find the scent to strong and the product too oily, i was using it as the emulsifier in the chicoro moisturising routine and it worked fine.
Should this product be considered a mild protein or a trace protein? ( i stopped using it because i'm on the Megatek challenge)
Currently I use the Mega Growth oil sheen and anti-breakage daily leave in strengthener. I love both products because they don't just sit on my hair, they actually penetrate and nourish. The same goes for the mega growth hair lotion as well. And I love the smell, smells like bananas...mmmm lol. Also a little goes a long way, if you use too much you might end up looking like a grease monkey lol.
I am going to send them a $1 to send me some samples. I will definitly ask for a sample of the Growth Oil, Growth lotion & Anti Leave in Strengthner.