Profectiv (Anti-thinning)


New Member
I've been using this for about three weeks now and I'm noticing my hair around the edges are very itching and have big flakes of dandruff. I'm getting scared because I'm not used to getting dandruff of any kind. I tried washing my hair yesterday because I thought it was just build-up from the hotsix oil I've been using but, it came right back and I let my hair air dry. I'm wondering it this has happen to someone else and does this mean I'm allergic to it? I don't have any allergies that I know of. If so, why did it take so long to show up? I don't notice any dandruff anywhere else on my scalp but the edges.

Your advice is appreciated /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I've been using it since October. I don't think what you are talking about is dandruff. This product has exfoliating stuff in it and I noticed that if I put too much along the edges it does dry up and flake up. At first I thought it was dandruff too. Then I noticed that on days when I didn't slap so much on, there were no flakes.

For me this has been an excellent product. My edges were very thin from "back in the day" when my mother braided my hair so tight that it almost hurt to blink. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif But since using this product my hairline is full of hair! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I haven't noticed that so far, but i've only been using this for some 2.5-3 weeks now... (damn i'm suppossed to know when i started /images/graemlins/mad.gif....)
I think its a really good product, I even use it all over my scalp at times and I dont get any additonal itch. I use only a dab, how much are you using?
I may have been using too much, but it didn't seem like alot /images/graemlins/smirk.gif. I didn't use any today because I was scared I was having a reaction. I only put enough to fit on my index finger for each section and rubbed it in til it disappeared. Should it itch like it was doing? Or is that becai=use I was using too much? /images/graemlins/blush.gif
I have not noticed any itching when I use it and I have been using it since October. A little goes a looooooong way. Put a little on the tip of your index finger and gently slide it over the hairline. When you have no more on your finger then apply a bit more to cover the rest of the hairline. You'll know that you have used too much if you notice a white film or white flakes. /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Hi Alireno

I was just wondering... how long did it take before you initially saw results and how long before your hairline was full? I'm not sure if the ORS is doing anything for me or if I'm being impatient.
I initially saw results after 2 weeks. I would say that my hairline was full a month from starting to use it. I used it and still use it everyday twice a day (a.m. and p.m.)
You said your hair was really thin from when you were younger and your mom braided it too tightly, so when you saw this result did you flip out?? I would, as for me my hairline is baby hair then it gets really thin, so thin it looks bald because the hairs are very fine and in some areas non existent and it goes back about 2 inches but it gets full, it looks like I have 2 hairlines. I'm going to pick up this product and give it a try. It would really be a dream come true if I had a normal/full hairline..... someone please pass the kleenex /images/graemlins/cry3.gif