products/ingredients you gave up, but went back to?


Well-Known Member
are there any ingredients you avoided at the start of your hair journey, when you were reading up about all the "bad" ingredients and products...but decided to go back to?

i was pretty gung ho about avoiding silicones
i'm not as RAWR about them now

i try not to have them in leave-ins/moisturizers, but i dont mind so much if they are in my rinse out conditioners/dcs.

i just find that some of those silicone-having products work for me.
I don't know if this counts, but I gave up combs once I started my actual journey. I started using them again this year. No damage. I comb my hair once or twice a month.

Sailor Saturn the lost scout
There is nothing I have given up that has come back. There is stuff I changed the frequency of my use, but I now use more. Planned to use sulfate shampoos once or twice a year, but now use it monthly to clarify.
Silicones. They only do good things for my hair, none of the reasons to avoid them make any sense to me.
Silicones kind of... I loved them at first, then avoided them, then came back to them. You have to make sure your hair isn't sensitive to them (in the sense that they block out moisture and build up easily on your strands) and that they get eliminated via washing. I don't think they're the worst thing for your hair and can have their benefits if you take those precautions.
Grease,warmed mineral oil or melted petroleum for the lower length of my hair,during fall/winter season...Either one works well on my ends,on top of my favorite moisturizer.,,I DON'T apply it to my scalp.

*Cone's,for flat ion or lite blow-dry.,Only time I use it,.

Happy Hair Growing!
un natural products,currently trying to transition back to natural products just because i like komaza leave in and hair lotion so assume i would like the conditioners, they just took the shampoo away but i like the slip that un natural has. but i will always love ors hair repair nourishing conditioner
B-I-O-T-I-N. Had to go! I got the worse acne ever. It took me 4 months to realize it was the biotin and by them... let me tell you.

Neva again.
Ultra Sheen Creme Pres.....I went back to greasing my scalp while it is still damp after washing it. It keeps my roots moisturized for days. Don't know why I even thought to give it up.
For me it's the following products:
Shea Butter
Coconut Oil

I can remember back at the beginning of my first natural HHJ when they did nothing for me (or so I thought), now I can't be without them! For some reason I thought Biotin gave me headaches, now I'm going on Month 2 of taking them, no problems! (plus I take the weekend off from taking them just to keep things a bit balanced)
Shea Butter made my hair feel hard and stiff for some reason.. However, I recently tried a Shea Butter mix the Salon I go to sale and fell in love!! My hair is so soft and moisturized for days.

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Silicone. Especially as my hair has gotten longer, if I go completely off of them I pay for it with 2 hour detangling sessions. Also a comb, since I have gone back to using combs every once in a while detangling has gone much smoother - I see the difference whenever I finger comb through out the week or attempt to part my hair. The difference is like night and day.