Products coating HAIR... How can you tell?


Active Member
How can you tell if a product just coats your hair?:perplexed

ETA: When I touch my roots my hair feel moisturized but when I look at my fingers they are not greasy. Could this mean that the product is NOT coating my hair. I am only testing the roots cuz my hair is in twist. Oh also I am referring to the Silicon mix. Thanks for responding.
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Mmmmh, girl this question is kind of difficult....but I'm going to try and answer it the best way my mind can. I'm not saying this is hairology, so please don't qoute me on this. I'm just saying what I think.........

Well the best way you can tell if your hair has just been coated is by testing the hair. Let's say you apply a conditioner or a moisterizer to your hair. If you come back within maybe 8-12 hours and your hair is feeling dry and mal-nourished. Then you can consider that just caoting. Now if you condition or moisturize and you come back within 8-12 hours or let's just say the next day and you take out a twist/braid and your hair still feels moist and supple then the moisturizer has saturated your hair.

Now let's think about this for a second a coating only last temporarily. I.E paint, nail polish..and you can even apply that theory to an actual coat that we wear. The coat eventually comes off. But a tatoo in which ink is saturated into the skin is permanant (well not now a days). So you feel my drift? And, maybe sometimes we have to do what we do with items we want to saturate-we have to rub it in. A coat we just apply on top of something. Try out that strand test and see how it works......lf it doesn't :hardslap:You're the green it does I better see you doing this :yahoo:

Well Tiff, I hope this some what helped you. I don't know if you are more confused by what I said but I sure hope not.

:catfight:<------------- Me and Tiff after she reads
Sometimes I can tell by how it feels. It may feel waxy. Its hard to explain but when I slide my fingers down (wen wet), I can tell they are sliding over a coating and not my hair. Also by how it looks. It will look dull, even when wet. Also products wont work as well. Conditioners that absorb well will just "sit" on top of my hair. If I allow this to continue, eventually my hair will get dry/hard/brittle from not being able to absorb moisture. Once I clarify, everything works like new. :)
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