Product Similar to Shescentit Seyani Butter?


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if the formula has changed from the original, but I have noticed the Seyani butter is causing an allergic reaction on my scalp and neck. It's sad because I love this product so much, especially for my nape area. Any suggestions on a good, light hair butter?
I'm not sure if the formula has changed from the original, but I have noticed the Seyani butter is causing an allergic reaction on my scalp and neck. It's sad because I love this product so much, especially for my nape area. Any suggestions on a good, light hair butter?

Might I make a suggestion … it may be time consuming though.

I don’t know if you have any separate oils and butters, but if you do and if they are some of the same ingredients that are in theSeyani Butter do an experiment.

Test each individual oil/butter on your skin to see if you react. Then, make your new purchase accordingly. Maybe this will help you to find out what you are having a reaction to specifically and you can avoid those ingredients in your future haircare and skincare purchases.
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