product shifts


New Member
Can hair respond differently to products over time?

Using Creme of Nature shampoo over the last few weeks, my hair has been soft and manageable. Three times I substituted KeraCare Hydrating Detangling shampoo for CoN in my routine. Each time I did this, the KeraCare left my hair dry and brittle.

KeraCare always worked well in the salon when my stylist used it. I always deep condition my hair after shampooing. What has happened?
I think some products do over time. But when I used CON I had to do a clarifying shampoo every so often because it left a coating on my hair...not a bad one but my hair did start to feel weighted down. When I tried another shampoo it seemed like there was a problem...but then I clarified and the other shampoo worked better.
clarifier suggestion

Thanks sweetcocoa and dontspeakdefeat.

I shelved KeraCare for awhile after three poor trials. I will give clarifying a try as you both suggest. Any clarifier recommendations?